Nov 17, 1891
I signed 10 Recommends I received 5 Letters
Met with M Thatcher about selling G Teasdale
a House in Mexico
~ Wednesday
18. Met with the Bank board Mr John Miller
& Governor Bullock called & we had conversation
with both Mr Miller gave his views upon
the Logan Temple
~ Thursday
19. H. B. Clawson called & a letter was read
from Enon I received a letter from Sarah
I received Mr Watsons Bill on the House to day
~ Friday
20 I signed 17 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I signed 67 ZCMI stocks My grand Daughter Vedi was taken Dangerously sick supposed with Diptherea I visited her in the Evening & laid hand
upon her & she seemed Better I attended the Ball
Appointed for Deseret Hospital I staid untill 12 {o'clock}
~ Saturday
21. Emma was quite Poorly this Morning but
went up to see Vedi & spent the day with Clara
~ Sunday
22 I went up to Clara's & saw Vedi she is passing
through a course of the scarlet fever or Diptheria is quite
sick but doing as well as could be Expected
~ Monday
23 we held a combind Meeting with the
Presidency Twelve & Bank & Templeton Meeting
& finally concluded to still run the Templeton H J Grant said there Livery Stable was in
Debt $70000. I signed 8 Recommends &
Recieved 5 Letters Vedi is quite sick but is doing
quite as well as can be Expected
~ Tuesday
Nov 17, 1891
I signed 10 Recommends I received 5 Letters
Met with M Thatcher about selling G Teasdale
a House in Mexico
~ Wednesday
18. Met with the Bank board Mr John Miller
& Governor Bullock called & we had conversation
with both Mr Miller gave his views upon
the Logan Temple
~ Thursday
19. H. B. Clawson called & a letter was read
from Enon I received a letter from Sarah
I received Mr Watsons Bill on the House to day
~ Friday
20 I signed 17 Recommends I received 3 Letters
I signed 67 ZCMI stocks My grand DaughterVedi was taken Dangerously sick supposed with
Diptherea I visited her in the Evening & laid hand
upon her & she seemed Better I attended the Ball
Appointed for Deseret Hospital I staid untill 12 {o'clock}
~ Saturday
21. Emma was quite Poorly this Morning but
went up to see Vedi & spent the day with Clara
~ Sunday
22 I went up to Clara's & saw Vedi she is passing
through a course of the scarlet fever or Diptheria is quite
sick but doing as well as could be Expected
~ Monday
23 we held a combind Meeting with the
Presidency Twelve & Bank & Templeton Meeting
& finally concluded to still run the Templeton
H J Grant said there Livery Stable was in
Debt $70000. I signed 8 Recommends &
Recieved 5 Letters Vedi is quite sick but is doing
quite as well as can be Expected
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," November 17, 1891 - November 23, 1891, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,