Oct 7, 1887 I signed 20 Recommends I rece[ive]d 15 Letters
10 Publicc, 56 Private from Azmon, TeasdaleJames J Thompson, Jaques, Udall I met with Apostls for 8 2 Hourse I then attended a Meeting with
Bord of Directors of Zions Savings Bank, a
report was made by the committee which was
Accepted. The officers of the Bank was Elected Wilford Woodruff was Elected President George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith vice President
~ Saturday
8 I signed 25 Recomds rece[iv]ed 20 Letters
17 Public & 3 private I had an interview with Wm W Riter I spent the night at the office
~ Sunday
9 Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Wm AtkinMary & Leslie W S
I for the first time in about 3 years went into
the great Tabernacle and met with 10000 saints &
spoke to them 30 Minuts followed by H J GrantNickolson O Whitney & F D Richards I rode to Meeting in a Barouch
& left before the singing it was a grand sight to look
upon the faces of 10000 Saints. I left & took supper with G. Q. Cannon and spent the night at Mayor Armstrongs
11 I signed 23 Recommends I received 11 Letters 5 private 6 public wrote 10 Letters spent the day in council
~ Friday
Oct 7, 1887
FIGURES I signed 20 Recommends I received 15 Letters
10 Publicc,6 Private from Azmon, TeasdaleJames JThompson, Jaques, Udall I met with Apostls for
2 Hourse I then attended a Meeting with
Bord of Directors of Zions Savings Bank, a
report was made by the committee which was
Accepted. The officers of the Bank was Elected
FIGURES Wilford Woodruff was Elected President
George Q Cannon & Joseph F Smith vice President
~ Saturday
8 FIGURES I signed 25 Recomds received 20 Letters
17 Public & 3 private I had an interview with
Wm W Riter I spent the night at the office
~ Sunday
9 FIGURES Sunday I wrote 3 Letters to Wm AtkinMary & Leslie W S
I for the first time in about 3 years went into
the great Tabernacle and met with 10000 saints &
spoke to them 30 Minuts followed by H J GrantNickolsonO Whitney & F D Richards I rode to Meeting in a Barouch
& left before the singing it was a grand sight to look
upon the faces of 10000 Saints. I left & took supper with
G. Q. Cannon and spent the night at Mayor Armstrongs
"Journal (January 1886 – December 1892)," October 7, 1887 - October 11, 1887, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/E0Rl