June 22nd Elders Richards & myself spent the morning
in aranging the minutes of the conference at Elder John Ben
bows, we confirmed one Blessed 4 children. I then Baptized
5 persons & confirmed them & also 2 others were
Baptized by Elder Clark which we confirmed this
was Just as we were about to leave of Frooms Hill to
start on our Journey for the conference at Manch
ester, & I never before left a field of labour with as
much satisfaction as on this occasion & I felt to
render up the gratitude of my heart to God for his
Goodness to me on this occasion by giving me many
souls as seals of my ministry. for being led to this country
by the spirit of God I had traveled 80 miles through
a country of Dens population & stoped at John Benbows
& preached for the first time on the 5th day of
March 1840 & I am this day blessed with the privilege
of leaving a fruitful field in this land with
33 organized churches, Numbering 541 members
75 officers viz 10 Elder 52 Priest, 13 Teachers.
300 of the above named persons received the ordina
nce of Baptism under my hands, & 241 were Bapti
zed under the hands of Elders B Young, W. Richard, T Kington, J. Chees, C. Price, D Browett, T Clark, S Jones, P Green, Also Priest John Parry, J Barnes, T Oaky J PalmerJ. Morgan, W Jinkins, J Spires, B. Williams W. Parsons, W. Evens & J Gaily. Elder B. Young laboured
with me in this vineyard about one month. I obtained
much benefit, as well as all the Saints from his instruction
& council for he is mighty in council & endowed
with much wisdom. Elder W. Richards Also laboured
with me twomonths which was a great Blessing unto
me as well as many Saints for he has passed through a
great school of experiance & learned much wisdom
& sound Judjment which is readily manifest in all
councils & conferences in which we have set together
I Also Baptized one at Ledbury & confirmed him & ordained
him to the office of a Priest Robert Gomery
Business of the day
I Baptized 6, Br Clark 2, Elder Richards & myself
confirmirmed 99 ordained one Priest Blessed 4 children
walked to Ledbury & spent the night. Distance 8 m
~ Tuesday
23rd Elder Richard & myself parted with the Saints in Ledbury & took coach & rode to Worcester 16 miles
from thence to [FIGURE]Birmingham 24 miles this is the first time we I ever visited Birmingham which is the centre of England
after spending several hours together in visiting the city
~ Monday
June 22nd Elders Richards & myself spent the morning
in aranging the minutes of the Conference at Elder John Ben
bows, we confirmed one Blessed 4 children. I then Baptized
5 persons & confirmed them & also 2 others were
Baptized by Elder Clark which we confirmed this
was Just as we were about to leave of Frooms Hill to
start on our Journey for the Conference at Manch
ester, & I never before left a field of labour with as
much satisfaction as on this occasion & I felt to
render up the gratitude of my heart to God for his
Goodness to me on this occasion by giving me many
souls as seals of my ministry. for being led to this country
by the spirit of God I had traveled 80 miles through
a country of Dens population & stoped at John Benbows
& Preached for the first time on the 5th day of
March 1840 & I am this day blessed with the privilege
of leaving a fruitful field in this land with
33 Organized Churches. Numbering 541 members
75 Officers viz 10 Elder 52 Priest, 13 Teachers.
300 of the above named Persons received the ordina
nce of Baptism under my hands. & 241 were Bapti
zed under the hands of Elders B Young, W. Richard,
T Kington, J. Chees, C. Price, D Browett, T Clark,
S Jones, P Green, Also Priest John Parry, J Barnes, T OakyJ PalmerJ. Morgan. W Jinkins. J Spires. B. WilliamsW. Parsons, W. Evens & J Gaily. Elder B. Young laboured
with me in this vineyard about one month. I obtained
much benefit, as well as all the Saints from his instruction
& council for he is mighty in Council & endowed
with much wisdom. Elder W. Richards Also laboured
with me twomonths which was a great Blessing unto
me as well as many Saints for he has passed through a
great school of experiance and learned much wisdom
& sound Judjment which is readily manifest in all
councils & conferences in which we have set together
I Also Baptized one at Ledbury & confirmed him & ordained
him to the Office of a Priest Robert Gomery
Business of the day
I Baptized 6, Br Clark 2, Elder Richards & myself
confirmirmed 9 Ordained one Priest Blessed 4 children
walked to Ledbury & spent the night. Distance 8 m
~ Tuesday
23rd Elder Richard & myself parted with the Saints in
Ledbury & took Coach & rode to Worcester 16 miles
from thence to [FIGURE] Birmingham 24. miles this is the first time
I ever visited Birmingham which is the centre of England
after spending several hours together in visiting the city
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1840 – December 31, 1840)," June 22, 1840 - June 23, 1840, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 16, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lNg