Oct 7. Prayer By G Q Cannon presented the names of
Missionaries John Taylor spoke 60 Minuts more mission-
aries presented. Afternoon G Q Cannon presented more
missionaries and then the Authorities of the Church And John W Young was this day presented for the first time
as President Youngs first councellor. Joseph F Smith
spoke 51 Minuts
~ Sunday
Oct 8. Sunday Conference opened at 10 oclok Orson Hyde
Prayed Orson Pratt spoke 54 Minuts C. W. Penrose 21.
Afternoon President Young spoke 63 Minuts in the power
of God in the midst of his sermon. My Grand Son Wilford Beatie was kicked in the Head By a Horse
a hole cut in the Head above the Temple I was called out
of Meeting in the midst of the sermon to attend to the Boy
and Did not hear the middle of it. when I arived at
the House I found the Mother of Wilford My Daughter Bulah had fainted away and the Boy in the arms of his Grand Mother we laid hands upon Both of them &
Bulah soon recovered & the Boy was soon runing around
I returned to the Meeting House and herdard the last of the
sermon atG Q Cannon spoke 15 Minuts President
Young told why God Blessed Jacob above Esau. He
saaid that Jacob should have been the first Born But
Esau took hold of the heel of Jacob & held him back
and the Blessing belonged to Jacob. [Genesis 25:26] At the close of the
conference it was Adjourned till 6 day of April next to be held
in the Temple at St George
Oct 7. Prayer By G Q Cannon Presented the names of
Missionaries John Taylor spoke 60 Minuts more missionaries presented. Afternoon G Q Cannon presented more
missionaries and then the Authorities of the Church And
John W Young was this day presented for the first time
as President Youngs first councellor. Joseph F Smith
spoke 51 Minuts
~ Sunday
Oct 8. Sunday Conference opened at 10 oclok Orson Hyde
Prayed Orson Pratt spoke 54 Minuts C. W. Penrose 21.
Afternoon President Young spoke 63 Minuts in the power
of God in the midst of his sermon. My Grand Son
[FIGURE] Wilford Beatie was kicked in the Head By a Horse
a hole cut in the Head above the Temple I was called out
of Meeting in the midst of the sermon to attend to the Boy
and Did not hear the middle of it. when I arived at
the House I found the Mother of Wilford My Daughter
Bulah had fainted away and the Boy in the arms of his
Grand Mother we laid hands upon Both of them &
Bulah soon Recovered & the Boy was soon runing around
I returned to the Meeting House and heard the last of the
sermonG Q Cannon spoke 15 Minuts President
Young told why God Blessed Jacob above Esau He
saaid that Jacob should have been the first Born But
Esau took hold of the heel of Jacob & held him back
and the Blessing belonged to Jacob. At the close of the
Conference it was Adjourned till 6 day of April next to be held
in the Temple at St George
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 6, 1876 - October 8, 1876, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 4, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/L85r