April 11th 1878
I arose this morning quite weary not having retired
to bed till near 3 oclok this morning. I went to the Endowments
House and sealed 27 couple among the Number my
son David Patten Woodruff and Isabel Hatch I wrote No 7. I wrote to McAllister about the waggon
and harness And gave a list of the property that the
Executors turned over to the Trustee in trust of the Church of Latter
Day Saints. Ernest and Alpheus ^Alfales^ Young Entered an
injunkion before Judge Shafer to stop the Executors
from turning over any property to the Church but it had
already been done
~ Friday
12 I spent most of the day [in] Council I went to the farm
at night and Attended a Meeting in the farmers ward
And voted that they collect the tax due and assess 3/4 of
1 per cent on the property Assessed I spent the night at the
farm. Minutes of the Council in Council Records
~ Saturday
13 I returned to the City and spent most of the day in
^^ council. We had a Rainy night I wrote No. 8, 1 Letter
~ Sunday
14. Sunday A cold rainy day I met with the T12 for pray I Blessed two grand children David's and Bell
Moses Minutes of the Council Recorded in Council Records
16 I returned to the City this morning and spent the ni day in
^^ council and writing I wrote one letter to Br McAllister
~ Thursday
April 11th 1878
I arose this morning quite weary not having retired
to bed till near 3 oclok this morning. I went to the Endowments
House and sealed 27 couple among the Number my
son David Patten Woodruff and Isabel Hatch
[FIGURE] I wrote No 7. I wrote to McAllister about the waggon
and harness And gave a list of the property that the
Executors turned over to the Trustee in trust of the Church of Latter
Day Saints. Ernest and Alfales Young Entered an
injunkion before Judge Shafer to stop the Executors
from turning over any property to the Church but it had
already been done
~ Friday
12 I spent most of the day in Council I went to the farm
at night and Attended a Meeting in the farmers ward
And voted that they collect the tax due and assess 3/4 of
1 per cent on the property Assessed I spent the night at the
farm. Minutes of the Council in Council Records
~ Saturday
13 [FIGURE] I returned to the City and spent most of the day in
council. We had a Rainy night I wrote No. 8, 1 Letter
~ Sunday
14. Sunday A cold rainy day I met with the12 for pray
[FIGURE] I Blessed two grand children David's and Bell
Moses Minutes of the Council Recorded in Council Records
~ Monday
15 FIGURES I received a letter from J. D. T. McAllister with
a draft for $66 for oil in St George Temple I wrote 2
Letters No 9, J. Bleak. I received4 letters in the Evening from
[FIGURE] McAllister, John R. Young, Emma, & Susan and one Telegram
I went down to Delights and spent the night 6 miles
~ Tuesday
16 I returned to the City this morning and spent the day in
[FIGURE] council and writing I wrote one letter to Br McAllister
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," April 11, 1878 - April 16, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wm71