April 17th 1878 I wrote 2 letters No 10 to McAllister I spent Most of the day in
council I met for Prayer in the circle A cold snowy day I received a letter from Joel Grover see Council Journal
19 April 1878 The Twelve Apostles Met with the Family of President Brigham Young And plainly
talked over the Matters of the settlement with the Esstate
and Most of the family seemed to be satisfied but Alflaus ^Alfales^ Young had carried the case into the U.S. Courts
and He was not present and we did not know how
it would come out
~ Saturday
20th I met with the family of President Young and and
a general conversation Ensued about the settlement of
the Esstate Alflaus ^Alfales^ and Another of the sons was determined to
go to Law before the Gentile Courts
~ Sunday
21. Sunday Met with the Twelve for Prayer And attended
Meeting in the Evening at the 17 ward J F Smith spok 70 Minuts
27. We Met for a 2 days conference at Brigham City
Prayer By Brother Box.
~ Wednesday
April 17th 1878
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters No 10 to McAllister I spent Most of the day in
council I met for Prayer in the circle A cold snowy day
[FIGURE] I received a letter from Joel Grover see Council Journal
19 April 1878 [FIGURE] The Twelve Apostles Met with the
FIGURES Family of President Brigham Young And plainly
talked over the Matters of the settlement with the Esstate
and Most of the family seemed to be satisfied but
Alfales Young had carried the case into the U.S. Courts
and He was not present and we did not know how
it would come out
~ Saturday
20th I met with the family of President Young and and
a general conversation Ensued about the settlement of
the Esstate Alfales and Another of the sons was determined to
go to Law before the Gentile Courts
~ Sunday
21. Sunday Met with the Twelve for Prayer And attended
Meeting in the Evening at the 17 ward J F Smith spok 70 Minuts
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," April 17, 1878 - April 27, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/xvL3