Aprail 8, 1873
Conference Met at 10 oclok. Sin[g]ing & Prayer By G. B. Wallace A. O. Smoot spoke 47 Minutes & gave a vary interesting practical discours upon the Temporal affairs in Zion. He was followed By G. Q. Cannon who spoke 50 Minutes Afternoon J. F. Smith Prayed
President Young spoke 55 Minutes & gave much good instruction to
the people upon Temperal things Then the Authorities of the
Church were presented to the Conference & sustained.
President Brigham Young chose 5 New councillers
making 7 in all They are as Followers
IThe conference adjourned untill the 6 day of next October
it was a vary interesting conference much good teaching
And the fact that President Young has began to throw off the
Temporal labor, & care, & Presidency of the Trusteeship of the Church
The Merchantile Cooporative institution, The Presidency of the Bank,
&c shows a change in the right direction & let others bear some
of those burthens I received 3 letters from David, Wilford & Sarah
~ Wednesday
9th I attended a Meeting of the board last night
~ Thursday
10. I spent the day at home at work Brigham was taken vary
sick in the Night we were fearful it was an attack of the small-
pox I received 3 letters from AzmonSarah & David
~ Tuesday
Aprail 8, 1873
Conference Met at 10 oclok. Singing & Prayer By G. B. WallaceA. O. Smoot spoke 47 Minutes & gave a vary interesting practical
discours upon the Temporal affairs in Zion. He was followed By
G. Q. Cannon who spoke 50 Minuts. Afternoon J. F. Smith Prayed
President Young spoke 55 Minuts & gave much good instruction to
the people upon Temporal things. Then the Authorities of the
Church were presented to the Conference & sustained.
FIGURES President Brigham Young chose 5 New councillors
making 7 in all. They are as Followers
[FIGURE] The Conference adjourned untill the 6 day of next October
it was a vary interesting Conference much good teaching
And the fact that President Young has begun to throw off the
Temporal labor, & care, & Presidency of the Trusteeship of the Church
The Merchantile Cooperative institution, The Presidency of the Bank
&c shows a change in the right direction & let others bear some
of those burthens I received 3 letters from David, Wilford & Sarah
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 9th I attended a Meeting of the board last night
~ Thursday
10. I spent the day at home at work Brigham was taken vary
sick in the Night we were fearful it was an attack of the small
Pox [FIGURE] I received 3 letters from AzmonSarah & David
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," April 8, 1873 - April 10, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Oy8E