Jan 67, 1893
I spent the day in the Office I met with C C Richard Shirtliff & several Brethren from Ogden concerning
the Ogden Standard a good deal was said upon the subject
^^ I wrote 3 Letters sent one to [blank] Woodruff sent her
my likeness and the Contributor containing the likeness of
the House I was born in I came home & fixed up
my Journals
~ Sunday
8. Sunday I spent the day at home reading I was quite sick
through the night & could not go to the office on Monday
~ Monday
9 Brother Smith the guard came down & spent the fornoon
with I done a little Journal writing in the Afternoon I was
quite Poorly through the night
~ Tuesday
10 Prest George Q Cannon called upon me in the morning
And administered to me I was better to day I slept
Better through the night
12 Met with the Artist for Painting in the Temple
they Asked $17000 dollars for painting two rooms
we could not pay that Price we finally agreed to give
them $300 a month W met with the Apostles
15 I spent the day in my house reading G Q Cannon went East
~ Monday
16 We had a hard snow storm I went to the Temple
but done but Little J. F. Smith had a tumor taken from
his oldest daughter weighed 20 lbs
~ Saturday
Jan7, 1893
I spent the day in the Office I met with C C RichardShirtliff & several Brethren from Ogden concerning
the Ogden Standard a good deal was said upon the subject
[FIGURE] I wrote 3 Letters sent one to [blank] Woodruff sent her
my likeness and the Contributor containing the likeness of
the House I was born in I came home & fixed up
my Journals
~ Sunday
8. Sunday I spent the day at home reading I was quite sick
through the night & could not go to the office on Monday
~ Monday
9 Brother Smith the guard came down & spent the fornoon
with I done a little Journal writing in the Afternoon I was
quite Poorly through the night
~ Tuesday
10 Prest George Q Cannon called upon me in the morning
And administered to me I was better to day I slept
Better through the night
12 Met with the Artist for Painting in the Temple
they Asked $17000 dollars for painting two rooms
we could not pay that Price we finally agreed to give
them $300 a month W met with the Apostles
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," January 7, 1893 - January 16, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 4, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rmR2