30. Brigham Young arived this morning. We met with
the Utah Company a good share of the day to attend
to the busness of the same Blanche had a large party at
our House to night. {[when] people [quite aloof].}
~ Friday
31. This is the Last day of summer I spent the day
in the office I had a Meeting with the [Utah company]]
I signed for 6 volums of the National CEyclopedia
of the America Biography
~ Saturday
Sept 1. I spent the day at home reading
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I Attended the Salt Lake conference at the Tabernacle
reports of the stake was Made Penrose & A M Cannon
spoke in the forenoon B Young & W Woodruff in the Afternoon
~ Monday
3 I went to the office in the Morning got my Maile
^^ returned home & spent the Day reading I read of
^^ the Terrible forest foire of Mishigan & Minesoto
the Most Terrible Destruction of Life & Property Ever
known in America sent Letter to Owen ^from Emma^ Blanch & Alice
~ Tuesday
4. I spent the day at the officeJ F Smith was
with me we herd the corresponding Letter read
30. Brigham Young arived this morning. We met with
the Utah Company a good share of the day to attend
to the busness of the same Blanche had a large party at
our House to night. {when people quite aloof.}
~ Friday
31. This is the Last day of summer I spent the day
in the office I had a Meeting with the Utah company
I signed for 6 volums of the NationalEyclopedia
of the America Biography
~ Saturday
Sept 1. I spent the day at home reading
~ Sunday
2nd Sunday I Attended the Salt Lake conference at the Tabernacle
reports of the stake was Made Penrose & A M Cannon
spoke in the forenoon B Young & W Woodruff in the Afternoon
~ Monday
3 I went to the office in the Morning got my Maile
FIGURES returned home & spent the Day reading I read of
FIGURES the Terrible forest fire of Mishigan & Minesoto
the Most Terrible Destruction of Life & Property Ever
known in America sent Letter to Owen from EmmaBlanch & Alice
~ Tuesday
4. I spent the day at the officeJ F Smith was
with me we herd the corresponding Letter read
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," August 29, 1894 - September 5, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pkzp