July 7, 1894
I spent the day at home was not vary well
~ Sunday
8 ^^ Sunday The strikers in Ogden turned mob & burned
near $100000 dollars worth of Property the US Armey
at Camp Douglass went by call to Ogden to defend the
city of Ogden against the strikers They have also burned
up one Million Dollars worth of Property at Chicago
and the Rail Roads [railroads] are tied up nearly all over the
United States I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
9. ^^ I spent the day in the office 400 men are tied up in this city
through the strike several of them visited us today
we give them the use of the Tabernacle to night to hear
the organ & singing I sent a Letter to Owen today with
one from his Mother
~ Tuesday
10 Myself & councillors Accompanied the old Folks on
their Excursion to Saltair we had a vary interesting
Day. They spent the day under the pavilion whare it
was cool & comfortable we returned to the city at
4:20. 30 Mils All the Presidency spoke there were
four of Zions Camp present W Woodruff J B Nobles S Foster & [blank] Brown. Utah Bill passed the Senate for statehood
~ Wednesday
11 I spent the day in the office Met with Judge Patten
^^ from Ogden we had several Letters from Puerpeck
The great strike & R Road Blockade is now being
broaken throughout the United State sent Letter to BlanchOwen
~ Thursday
12 Sent Letter to Forest & Stream with $5.
Great Earthquake in Constantinople
~ Friday
13 ^^ I received a Letter from Sarah & wrote her spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
July 7, 1894
I spent the day at home was not vary well
~ Sunday
8 [FIGURE] Sunday The strikers in Ogden turned mob & burned
near $100000 dollars worth of Property the US Armey
at Camp Douglass went by call to Ogden to defend the
city of Ogden against the strikers They have also burned
up one Million Dollars worth of Property at Chicago
and the Rail Roads are tied up nearly all over the
United States I spent the day in the House reading
~ Monday
9. [FIGURE] I spent the day in the office 400 men are tied up in this city
through the strike several of them visited us today
we give them the use of the Tabernacle to night to hear
the organ & singing I sent a Letter to Owen today with
one from his Mother
~ Tuesday
10 [FIGURE] Myself & councillors Accompanied the old Folks on
their Excursion to Saltair we had a vary interesting
Day. They spent the day under the pavilion whare it
was cool & comfortable we returned to the city at
4:20. 30 Mils All the Presidency spoke there were
four of Zions Camp present W Woodruff J B NoblesS Foster & [blank] Brown. Utah Bill passed the Senate for statehood
~ Wednesday
11 I spent the day in the office Met with Judge Patten
[FIGURE] from Ogden we had several Letters from Perpeck
The great strike & R Road Blockade is now being
broaken throughout the United State sent Letter to BlanchOwen
~ Thursday
12 Sent Letter to Forest & Stream with $5.
Great Earthquake in Constantinople
~ Friday
13 FIGURES I received a Letter from Sarah & wrote her spent the day in the office
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," July 7, 1894 - July 13, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/7pnr