Aug 7, 1894
In company with G. Q. Cannon & J F Smith
I rode to Ogden then to Huntsville held two Meeting
& returned to Ogden & Salt Lake City 105 Mile
80 Miles by rail & 26 by carriage was quite weary
at night received 2 Letters from Asahel & Owen
~ Wednesday
8 I met with Col Isaac Trumbo for 2 Hours He
give me an account of the Great Labor He and Gen. Clarkson had in getting the UtahBill Through Congress
& to get it signed by the President {It cost the Republicans three hundred and thirty
thousand dollars to get that bill passed} It has Been
a great Labor to get Utah admitted into the
Union. We commenced to Organize the Utah company
to day I am worked altogether to hard I dont sleep
Nights and am weary by day As Trustee in trust
and the Presidency of the Church we have taken
such a load upon us it is Difficult to carry it
~ Thursday
9. ^^ I wrote a Letter to Owen to day. I met with H B.
Clawson{He spoke of a personal property claimed by heirs}
There is a vary Heavy Load resting upon us in church
affairs our debts are vary Heavy
~ Friday
10 We administered to Sister Keddington who was
blind according to her request J F Smith
Anointed her G Q Cannon was mouth we Met
with Wm W Cluff and the Utah Company
I was quite unwell during the day I signed
to day ^a^ Note on Grant Livery Stable Dues of
$25000, payable in two years at 7 percent
~ Tuesday
Aug 7, 1894
In company with G. Q. Cannon & J F Smith
I rode to Ogden then to Huntsville held two Meeting
& returned to Ogden & Salt Lake City 105 Mile
80 Miles by rail & 26 by carriage was quite weary
at night received 2 Letters from Asahel & Owen
~ Wednesday
8 I met with Col Isaac Trumbo for 2 Hours He
give me an account of the Great Labor He and Gen.
Clarkson had in getting the Utah Bill Through Congress
& to get it signed by the President {It cost the Republicans three hundred and thirty
thousand dollars to get that bill passed} It has Been
a great Labor to get Utah admitted into the
Union. We commenced to Organize the Utah company
to day I am worked altogether to hard I dont sleep
Nights and am weary by day As Trustee in trust
and the Presidency of the Church we have taken
such a load upon us it is Difficult to carry it
~ Thursday
9. FIGURES I wrote a Letter to Owen to day. I met with H B.
Clawson{He spoke of a personal property claimed by heirs}
There is a vary Heavy Load resting upon us in church
affairs our debts are vary Heavy
~ Friday
10 We administered to Sister Keddington who was
blind according to her request J F Smith
Anointed her G Q Cannon was mouth we Met
with Wm W Cluff and the Utah Company
I was quite unwell during the day [FIGURE] I signed
to day a Note on Grant Livery Stable Dues of
$25000, payable in two years at 7 percent
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," August 7, 1894 - August 10, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025,