July 31 1894
we spent Most of the day in reading a Letter of
General Clarkson to Wilford Woodruff of 61 pages
giving the History of the Passage of the Enabling Act
through Congress to Admit Utah into the Union as a
state Also in Attending to our Temporal Business
~ Wednesday
^Aug 1^ The Presidency & some of the Twelve went to Saltair
to attend the celebration of Utah Admission into the
Union sever[al] speeches were made upon the occasion
I received the following card to day. Hopeful, & Thankful Borieslaw Pomerskey of St Petersburg Russia
Sir I Ask of you a few minites interview
will call in the Morning 30 Mils
~ Thursday
Aug 2. We held a Meeting with the Board of the Ogden power company Also Wm W Cluff called & done
some business Also Brother Langford Also two Men
from Russia called upon me I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel
~ Friday
^^ 3 I mailed 3 Letters this morning to Owen to Asahel & Nellie We heard corressponding
Letters read Met a good Deal of company
I went to Granite or wasash in the Evening with Emma. Ovando & Clara came up the same Evening 20 M
~ Saturday
4 I went down the creek with Ovando He caught
30 trout I used a hook & line a few moments &
cought 2 trout
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day in camp
~ Monday
6 I returned home to day & went to the office & spent
the day in business 20 Miles
~ Tuesday
July 31 1894
we spent Most of the day in reading a Letter of
General Clarkson to Wilford Woodruff of 61 pages
giving the History of the Passage of the Enabling Act
through Congress to Admit Utah into the Union as a
state Also in Attending to our Temporal Business
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] Aug 1 The Presidency & some of the Twelve went to Saltair
to attend the celebration of Utah Admission into the
Union several speeches were made upon the occasion
I received the following card to day. Hopeful, & Thankful
Borieslaw Pomerskey of St Petersburg Russia
Sir I Ask of you a few minites interview
will call in the Morning 30 Mils
~ Thursday
Aug 2. We held a Meeting with the Board of the Ogden
power company Also Wm W Cluff called & done
some business Also Brother Langford Also two Men
from Russia called upon me I wrote 1 Letter to Asahel
~ Friday
[FIGURE] 3 FIGURES I mailed 3 Letters this morning to Owen to
Asahel & Nellie We heard corressponding
Letters read Met a good Deal of company
I went to Granite or wasash in the Evening with
Emma. Ovando & Clara came up the same Evening 20 M
~ Saturday
4 I went down the creek with Ovando He caught
30 trout I used a hook & line a few moments &
cought 2 trout
~ Sunday
5 Sunday I spent the day in camp
~ Monday
6 I returned home to day & went to the office & spent
the day in business 20 Miles
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," July 31, 1894 - August 6, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/27W1