Jan 15 1894
We Met at the office in the ^morning^ several of the Twelve and
with the board of ZCMI at 11 {o'clock} we voted to give to the
poor $150 in addition to the $125 given before we also
voted to omit Declairing a Dividend for the next 6 month
we had a Party of young People at our House in the Evening
~ Tuesday
16. We have a hard snow storm this morning we have a
Meeting this morning with the Twelve and we had
Meetings with others we voted to Build a Rail Road to Coleville
~ Wednesday
17. I met this morning with Wm W Cluff upon the
Coal Mindes of Coleville we also Met with Brother Eccles
about the settlement of the Saltair Pavilion work
it was voted to Allow the Bill of cost over the
contract price to Brother Eccles if He would buy
out Mr White of his $20000 dollar of stock in
the Mi Saltair Beach Company Brother Armstrong
called upon us we went to the Temple Attended to the
sacrament & other work
19th I spent the day in the office ^I Ordained A O Woodruff to the office of seventy & set him apart to a Mission to Jermaney^
~ Saturday
20 I spent the day at home Emma & Owen went to Provo
And just as they arived there Anna Smootwife
of Abram O Smoot Died she has been low for Months
~ Sunday
21. Sunday I spent the day at home. I & Emmalaid hands upon
the Head of AbrahamOwenWoodruff our son and Blessed him
He also blessed me & his Mother He felt well about his Mission
and was willing to go upon his Mission
~ Monday
Jan 15 1894
We Met at the office in the morning several of the Twelve and
with the board of ZCMI at 11 {o'clock} we voted to give to the
poor $150 in addition to the $125 given before we also
voted to omit Declairing a Dividend for the next 6 month
we had a Party of young People at our House in the Evening
~ Tuesday
16. We have a hard snow storm this morning we have a
Meeting this morning with the Twelve and we had
Meetings with others we voted to Build a Rail Road to Coleville
~ Wednesday
17. I met this morning with Wm W Cluff upon the
Coal Mines of Coleville we also Met with Brother Eccles
about the settlement of the Saltair Pavilion work
it was voted to Allow the Bill of cost over the
contract price to Brother Eccles if He would buy
out Mr White of his $20000 dollar of stock in
the Mi Saltair Beach Company Brother Armstrong
called upon us we went to the Temple Attended to the
sacrament & other work
19th I spent the day in the office I Ordained A O Woodruff to the office of seventy & set him apart to a Mission to Jermaney
~ Saturday
20 I spent the day at home Emma & Owen went to Provo
And just as they arived there Anna Smootwife
of Abram O Smoot Died she has been low for Months
~ Sunday
21. Sunday I spent the day at home. I & Emma laid hands upon
the Head of AbrahamOwenWoodruff our son and Blessed him
He also blessed me & his Mother He felt well about his Mission
and was willing to go upon his Mission
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," January 15, 1894 - January 21, 1894, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/1GWm