6th I spent the fore part of the day in the office I attended meeting of
the Bishop & council & priesthood of the 14th ward at 2 oclock F. D. Richards
was present. I sat & herd the report of the Bretheren & when I was requested to speak by Bishop Hoagland I arose & said
that as Bishop Hoagland & the missionaries had appointed
Men as teachers to the gentile stores to preach the gospel to them
But the spirit said to me it was not wisdom to send men to preach
the gospel to them I considered they were wicked & corrupt &
it was like casting pearls before swine [Matthew 7:6] when I closed F. D. Richards
Backed me & up & bore testimony that I said was true. Then Bishop
Hoagland arose & opposed me vary strongly & said He presided over the
14 ward & had sent the Teachers to preach to the Gentiles & he wished
them to go & do it. I at once saw the gentiles were devil had ensnared
him when He sat down the Teacher arose & said what shall I
do? Brother Woodruff says do not go to those Gentiles. Bishop Hoagland
says go. I arose & said to the teachers obey your Bishop for He
says he will take the responsibility upon himself in sending teachers
to them many of the Priesthood were fired up upon the subject
but the meeting closed & we went home. At about 5 oclok the
Calafornia Mail came in & Brother Richards & myself went up
to PresidentsYoungs we related to him what had taken place with
us & Bishop Hoagland. President Young was asstonished at the position
which Brother Hoagland had taken. He said the devil was leading
him into dificulty which he could not extricate himself without
Help. He immediately sent for Bishop Hoagland who came up & the
subject was all talked over & President Young showed him his
error & he saw it President Young told him that the Twelve
held the keys of the Kingdom of God in all the world where
the presidency are not, & that No Bishop presided over any
one of the Twelve in any place the Bishop Made his confession
and went home we santt a while & read Letters & papers
several were received from Elder Hyde
~ Sunday
7th Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. Edward Martin
& Daniel Tyler Preached in the forenoon & C. G. Webb & Wm
Clough Preached in the afternoon. I Attended the prayer
circle. Heard the Letters read from Elders Hyde & others
Elder Orson Hyde calls for 100 more men thinks there will be
a prospect of a fight with the Calafornians. President Young
said He wished all the men were at home & that Elder Hyde
was at home & in his store & that He would not take another
Mission while He lived for He had lost the spirit of his
office & was of no account. It made the President feel
sorrowful to see the Twelve & others not feel the spirit of their
office. At the close of the meeting I went home & with my
family went to the 14 ward meeting in the Music Hall. I was
much pressed in spirit. After listning to the speeches of Brothers
Hunt, Candland, & Pack I was requested to speak I arose upon my
Feet though heavily pressed in spirit yet the spirit of God was in
my tabernacle like fire shut up in my bones and I spoke to the people about 3/4 of an hour and I scearsly knew whether I was in the body
or out of [it] neither can I remember but little what I said, the following is are some of the remarks which I made while the House was as still as
the House of Death while the spirit of God filled the House.
~ Friday
5th I spent most of the day at home I was unwell
~ Saturday
6th I spent the fore part of the day in the office I attended meeting of
the Bishop & council & priesthood of the 14th ward at 2 oclock F. D. Richards
was present. I sat & herd the report of the Bretheren & when I
[FIGURE] was requested to speak by Bishop Hoagland I arose & said
that Bishop Hoagland & the missionaries had appointed
Men as teachers to the gentile stores to preach the gospel to them
But the spirit said to me it was not wisdom to send men to preach
the gospel to them I considered they were wicked & corrupt &
it was like casting pearls before swine when I closed F. D. Richards
Backed me & up & bore testimony that I said was true. Then Bishop
Hoagland arose & opposed me vary strongly & said He presided over the
14 ward & had sent the Teachers to preach to the Gentiles & he wished
them to go & do it I at once saw the devil had ensnared
him when He sat down the Teacher arose & said what shall I
do Brother Woodruff says do not go to those Gentiles Bishop Hoagland
says go. I arose & said to the teachers obey your Bishop for He
says he will take the responsibility upon himself in sending teachers
to them many of the Priesthood were fired up upon the subject
but the meeting closed & we went home At about 5 oclok the
Calafornia mail came in & Brother Richards & myself went up
to President Youngs we related to him what had taken place with
us & Bishop Hoagland President Young was asstonished at the position
which Brother Hoagland had taken He said the devil was leading
him into dificulty which he could not extricate himself without
Help. He immediately sent for Bishop Hoagland who came up & the
subject was all talked over & President Young showed him his
Error & he saw it President Young told him that the Twelve
held the keys of the Kingdom of God in all the world where
the presidency are not, & that No Bishop presided over any
one of the Twelve in any place the Bishop Made his confession
and went home we sat a while & read Letters & papers
7th Sunday I attended meeting in the TabernacleEdward Martin
& Daniel Tyler Preached in the forenoon & C. G. Webb & Wm
Clough Preached in the afternoon I Attended the prayer
Circle. Heard the Letters read from Elders Hyde & others
Elder Orson Hyde calls for 100 more men thinks there will be
a prospect of a fight with the Calafornians. President Young
said He wished all the men were at home & that Elder Hyde
was at home in his store & that He would not take any
Mission while he lived for He had lost the spirit of his
office & was of no account. It made the President feel
sorrowful to see the Twelve & others not feel the spirit of their
office. At the close of the meeting I went home & with my
family went to the 14 ward meeting in the Music Hall I was
much pressed in spirit. After listening to the speeches of Brothers
Hunt, Candland, & Pack I was requested to speak I arose upon my
Feet though heavily pressed in spirit yet the spirit of God was in
my tabernacle like fire shut up in my bones and I spoke to the people
[FIGURE] about 3/4 of an hour and I scearsly knew whether I was in the body
or out of it neither can I remember but little what I said, the following
are some of the remarks which I made while the House was as still as
the House of Death while the spirit of God filled the House.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 5, 1856 - December 7, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Q1gY