put up in the upper story of my granery in ethe ear and the damp
state began to heat and mold I went to work and carried about
200 bushels of ears in baskets down a ladder on my sholder
then wimy wives and children took it and carried it and spread
[it] in my chambers in the house when I got through I was vary
weary and sore. Elder G A Smith returned from Provo at 5 oclok
~ Thursday
11th I went into the endowment house early this morning and
laboured incessantly till past 2 oclok I then went into the office
and spent the evening Elder Nathaniel H. Felt was badly kicked
yesterday with a Mules
~ Friday
12 I spent a short time in the morning in my garding
setting out strawburies, sowing cabage onions and radish I
then went to the office found Elders KimballO HydeG A Smith
waiting to read history to the President. Brother Hyde said
that mother Eldridge had a dream of late Father Eldridge
appeared to her was dressed in the most splendid military
aray She said Father are you going to fight with the soldiers
I am going into the mountains to help defend the Kingdom
of God. The president got a letter from Ben Simons stating
that he and his men are friendly that they have one stolen
horse from the mormons which they will send in or any other
animals that his men may steel. it is also rumured that
the Indians south who have been to the armey are vary
hungry and wish to come into the settlements ang [and] get
sumthing to eat. President Young son came in we read
to him the history of Thomas B. Marsh, D. W. PattenWm E.
MCLellin, Wm Smith, Lyman E Johnston, John Boynton Luke JohnsonJohn E. Page and Lyman Wight.
~ Saturday
13th I sowed some peas in the morning and trimed up my
peach trees which had been budded I also sowed some Australia
wheat. I met in the Historians office at 10 oclok with Elders O. Hyde, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith & E. T. Benson. O. Pratt said that Charles R. Dainy wrote a pamphlet in which he said
that He had a vision and warned me while going east to
move my waggon and I done so and soon an oak tree
fell whare my waggon stood I had this impression myself
and named it myself to my wife before I got out
of my carriage. Presidents Young and Kimball came
in and we read the history of Orson Hiyde P. P. Pratt
and E. T. Bensons
~ Sunday
14th Sunday a cold stormy day there was a meeting at
the Tabernacle in the forenoon I spent the day in the office
writing my history I attended the Prayer Circle in the
evening. Bishop Edward Hunter opened by prayer E T Benson
was mouth in the circle
~ Monday
15th I spent most of the day in the endowment House the
remander of the day in the office on Brother Kimballs History
March 10
put up in the upper story of my granery in the ear and the damp
state began to heat and mold I went to work and carried about
200 bushels of ears in baskets down a ladder on my sholder
then my wives and children took it and carried it and spread
it in my chambers in the house when I got through I was vary
weary and sore. Elder G A Smith returned from Provo at 5 oclok
11th I went into the endowment house early this morning and
laboured incessantly till past 2 oclok I then went into the office
and spent the evening. Elder Nathaniel H. Felt was badly kicked
yesterday with a Mule
~ Friday
12 I spent a short time in the morning in my garding
setting out strawburies, sowing cabage onions and radish I
then went to the office found Elders KimballO HydeG A Smith
waiting to read history to the President. Brother Hyde said
that mother Eldridge had a dream of late Father Eldridge
appeared to her was dressed in the most splendid military
aray she said Father are you going to fight the soldiers
I am going into the mountains to help defend the Kingdom
of God. The president got a letter from Ben Simons stating
that he and his men are friendly that they have one stolen
horse from the mormons which they will send in or any other
animals that his men may steel. it is also rumured that
the Indians south who have been to the armey are vary
hungry and wish to come into the settlements and get
sumthing to eat. President Young son came in we read
to him the history of Thomas B. Marsh, D. W. PattenWm E.
MCLellin, Wm Smith, Lyman E Johnson, John BoyntonLuke JohnsonJohn E. Page and Lyman Wight.
~ Saturday
13th I sowed some peas in the morning and trimed up my
peach trees which had been budded I also sowed some Australia
wheat. I met in the Historians office at 10 oclok with Elders
O. Hyde, O. Pratt, G. A. Smith & E. T. Benson. O. Pratt said that
Charles R. Dainy wrote a pamphlet in which he said
that He had a vision and warned me while going East to
move my waggon and I done so and soon an oak tree
fell whare my waggon stood I had this impression myself
and named it myself to my wife before I got out
of my carriage. Presidents Young and Kimball came
in and we read the history of Orson Hyde P. P. Pratt
and E. T. Bensons
~ Sunday
14th Sunday A cold stormy day there was a meeting at
the Tabernacle in the forenoon I spent the day in the office
writing my history I attended the Prayer Circle in the
evening. Bishop Edward Hunter opened by prayer E. T. Benson
was mouth in the circle
~ Monday
15th I spent most of the day in the endowment House the
remander of the day in the office on Brother Kimballs History
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," March 10, 1858 - March 15, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/vgmX