I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 53. My Men commenced gardning to day
~ Thursday
4th I wrote a lengthy communication to Col T. L. Kane
giving a reason of our hope and faith and the cause of ofur
defending ourselves in these vallies of the mountains it
contained 6 pages of fools cap I spent most of the day in
the endowment house we gave the endowment to about 50.
~ Friday
5th I went into the big field to see my wheat I had not
seen it since I put it in last fall, their did not seem to be
but little wheat on the ground and several lengths of fence
was down I spent the afternoon in my office
7th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle. O. Pratt
preached was followed By President Heber C. Kimball
and Daniel H Wells made a few remarks. in the afternoon John Taylor spoke followed By E. D. Woolley I attend[ed]
the prayer circle John Smith prayed Erastus Snow
was mouth. President Young said I saw this city
last night in a dream placed upon high rocks thousands
of feet high men women & children with a river
at the Bottom that was full of Barges and boats with
our Enemies in them but they could not get to us
~ Monday
8th we had an express in this morning from salmon
River bringing sorrowful news the Snakes and Bannocks
made a break upon the Breethren at the fort and drove
off nearly all ther stock left them but 4 Horses and a
few Yoke of cattle they killed two or three of the Brethren
and wounded several more they wounded Capt Smith
the Indians were lead by a white man named Powell
I took 150 peach treets [trees] & 25 plum trees to the tithing
Office as my tithing on fruit trees.
~ Tuesday
9th I spent most of the day in the tithingEndowment house
a large company received their endowment I spent the evening
in the office
~ Wednesday
10th I spent most of the day in the endowment House we gave
about 50 th^e^ir endowments. One hundred mounted men
were ordered to the North with the 100 men that went out with
Col Cunningham, and 50 men was ordered East their
is a report that all the Indians in the sothern settlements
have gone into the mountains and that the mountaineers
and Indians north East of Salmon River have gathered
large flocks of cattle and Horses for the U.S Armey if we
were to Judge from the present signs of the times we might
expect an Indian and white war but all things are in the
hands of God and he will govern & controll all things right
On my returned home I found that my corn which was
~ Wednesday
March 3rd
I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave
Endowments to 53. My Men commenced gardning to day
~ Thursday
4th FIGURES I wrote a lengthy communication to Col T. L. Kane
giving a reason of our hope and faith and the cause of our
defending ourselves in these vallies of the mountains it
contained 6 pages of fools cap I spent most of the day in
the endowment house we gave the endowment to about 50
~ Friday
5th I went into the big field to see my wheat I had not
seen it since I put it in last fall, their did not seem to be
but little wheat on the ground and severel lengths of fence
was down I spent the afternoon in my office
7th Sunday I attended meeting at the tabernacle. O. Pratt
preached was followed By President Heber C. Kimball
and Daniel H Wells made a few remarks. in the afternoon
John Taylor spoke followed By E. D. Woolley I attended
the prayer Circle John Smith prayed Erastus Snow
was mouth. President Young said I saw this City
last night in a dream placed upon high rocks thousands
of feet high men women & childrens with a River
at the Bottom that was full of Barges and boats with
our Enemies in them but they could not get to us
~ Monday
8th [FIGURE] we had an express in this morning from salmon
River bringing sorrowful news the Snakes and Bannocks
made a break upon the Breethren at the fort and drove
off nearly all ther stock left them but 4 Horses and a
few Yoke of cattle they killed two or three of the Brethren
and wounded several more they wounded Capt Smith
the Indians were lead by a white man named Powell
I took 150 peach trees & 25 plum trees to the tithing
office as my tithing on fruit trees.
~ Tuesday
9 Endowment house
a large company received their endowment I spent the evening
in the office
~ Wednesday
10th I spent most of the day in the endowment House we gave
about 50 their endowments. One hundred mounted men
were ordered to the North with the 100 men that went out with
Col Cunningham, and 50 men was ordered East their
is a report that all the Indians in the sothern settlements
have gone into the mountains and that the mountaineers
and Indians north East of Salmon River have gathered
large flocks of cattle and Horses for the U.S. Armey if we
were to Judge from the present signs of the times we might
expect an Indian and white war but all things are in the
hands of God and he will govern & controll all things right
on my returned home I found that my corn which was
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," March 3, 1858 - March 10, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/r0gK