in order to obtain the blessings. we had a hard snow storm at mid-
day Elder F. D Richards spent a part of the afternoon with me in the office I had a pleasing [interview] with President B. YoungJ. D. Grant upon various
principles things remarks were made upon by gone days
I met with the 14 ward in the evening with the missionaries I
spoke to the people was followed by Brother Daniel D. HuntE. B. Trip
& Levi Richards & Bishop Hoagland the spirit of God was with us
& we had a good meeting
~ Friday
7th I spent the fore part of the day at home the afternoon in the office
President Young was in the office a short time
~ Saturday
8th The Presidentcy & 12, & others met in council at the Historians
Office they took up the subject of reading the sermon of president Young
concerning the late emigration & what caused so much sufferings. He caused cast reflections upon J. Taylors & F. D. Richards as Taylor
had Hendred the brethren from doing business for several weeks
the greatest reflections were cast upon him the Presidency finally
concluded they would strike out those sentences that cast reflection
upon those brethren & print the rest. President Young said to Bishop Hunter
when the Hand Cart Company comes in I want to have the bishops take the
people to some empty Houses & appoint an over seer over them so that
they may not eat themselves to death for they would kill themselves if
they had an oppertunity.
President B Young & council voted that the indignation of the Marshall
of this City rest upon Henry J Jarvis from this time forth H C Kimball
said Hear it O ye Heaven & execute it upon the Earth O ye men of God
I spent most of this day in the office I preached in the 14th ward
on the refermation in the evening
~ Sunday
9 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. B. L. Clapp spoke followed
By B. Young who spoke in the power & spirit of God in giving insrruction
in the afternoon. Brother Heber C. KimballJ. M. Grant & W. Woodruff
occupied the afternoon the spirit of the Lord rested upon them President
Kimball said that He did not wish to have the people partake of the sacrament
unless they were clear of all sin or had made resteration whare they had
done wrong. President Grant Exhorted the people in the spirit & power of
God & the testimony was backed up By W. Woodruff. I attended
the prayer circle in the evening then went to the 15th ward & preached
to the people followed by Elder E Elsworth we had a good time
Elder A. O. Smoot & James G Willie both came in this evening with their train
~ Monday
10th I called upon President Young we went to the endowment
House & spent the forenoon. I spent the afternoon in the office
Elder A. O. Smoot Brought in the Church train goods &c
& Brother Willie the Hand Cart Company there had been 60 deaths in that company they were nearly chilled to death
by the snows & cold in the mountains
Elder Steel from Iron County called upon me. He gave me an
account of the Lead mines. He said there should be a settlement
on the Rio Virgin say 15 miles from old Harmony. By putting a
settlement on the rRio Virgin go down the Rio Vergin and up the Santa
Clara & you will get as good a road & save 6 miles oin going on the
Calafornia Road. their is plenty of cotton wood on the Rio Vergin &
pine in the Mountains & grass on the Hills & building Rock this settlement
would be about 12 miles from a good saw mill now running & there is
no place beyound this point whare you could make a settlement for a
great distance as it is a barren Desolate country
in order to obtain the blessings. we had a hard snow storm at midday Elder F. D Richards spent a part of the afternoon with me in the office
FIGURES I had a pleasing interview with President B. YoungJ. D. Grant upon various
principles remarks were made upon by gone days
I met with the 14 ward in the evening with the missionaries I
spoke to the people was followed by Brother Daniel D. HuntE. B. Trip
& Levi Richards & Bishop Hoagland the spirit of God was with us
& we had a good meeting
~ Sunday
7th I spent the fore part of the day at home the afternoon in the office
President Young was in the office a short time
~ Monday
8th The Presidency & 12, & others met in Council at the Historians
Office they took up the subject of reading the sermon of president Young
concerning the late Emigration & what Caused so much sufferings. He
cast reflections upon J. Taylors & F. D. Richards as Taylor
had Henderd the brethren from doing business for several weeks
the greatest reflections were Cast upon him the Presidency finally
concluded they would strike out those sentences that cast reflection
upon those brethren & print the rest. President Young said to Bishop Hunter
when the Hand Cart Company comes in I want to have the bishops take the
people to some empty Houses & appoint an over seer over them so that
they may not eat themselves to death for they would kill themselves if
they had an oppertunity.
President B. Young & Council voted that the indignation of the Marshall
of this City rest upon Henry J Jarvis from this time forth H C Kimball
said Hear it O ye Heaven & execute it upon the Earth O ye men of God
I spent most of this day in the office I preached in the 14th ward
on the refermation in the evening
~ Sunday
9 Sunday I attended meeting in the Tabernacle. B. L. Clapp spoke followed
By B. Young who spoke in the power & spirit of God in giving insrruction
in the afternoon. Brother Heber C KimballJ. M. Grant & W Woodruff
occupied the afternoon the spirit of the Lord rested upon them President
Kimball said that He did not wish to have the people partake of the sacrament
unless they were Clear of all sin or had made resteration whare they had
done wrong President Grant Exhorted the people in the spirit & power of
God & the testimony was backed up By W. Woodruff. I attended
the prayer Circle in the evening then went to the 15th ward & preached
to the people followed by Elder E Elsworth we had a good time
Elder A. O. Smoot & James G Willie both came in this evening with their train
~ Monday
10th I called upon President Young we went to the endowment
House & spent the forenoon. I spent the afternoon in the office
Elder A. O. Smoot Brought in the church train goods &c
& Brother Willie the Hand Cart Company there had been
60 deaths in that company they were nearly chilled to death
by the snows & cold in the mountains
Elder Steel from Iron County called upon me. He gave me an
account of the Lead mines He said there should be a settlement
on the Rio Virgin say 15 miles from old Harmony. By putting a
settlement on the Rio Virgin go down the Rio Vergin and up the Santa
Clara & you will get as good a road & save 6 milesin going on the
Calafornia Road. their is plenty of cotton wood on the Rio Vergin &
Pine in the Mountains & grass on the Hills & building Rock this settlement
would be about 12 miles from a good saw mill now running & there is
no place beyound this point whare you could make a settlement for a
great distance as it is a barren Desolate Country
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 6, 1856 - November 10, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 5, 2025,