Benjamin F. Johnson came in & asked council of President Young
in behalf of sister Babbitt what she should do in setling the
esstate. He advised her to chuse Capt Hooper & B. F. Johnson to
settle the esstate for Brother Johnson to go to Kanesville in the spring
He thought sister Babbitt was a good woman & would enjoy Mormonism
Brigham H. Young arived to day called upon President Young
who was glad to see him. He had been with A. O. Smoot to St Louis Nauvoo & Keokuk. Nauvoo looks Desolate weeds growing up in the
streets. He went to Emma Smiths mansion but could not see any
of the family. He said Emma had instilled into the minds of her children that
it was President Young who had caused the deaths of Joseph & Hiram Smith
(an idea more fals never entered the Human soul. President Brigham Young
said he thought that Joseph would have as hard work to dig her out of
Hell in the next world as he did in this
Brother Young informed us that Eldridge was quite sick thought that Brother
Smoot would be here on Friday
I attended the Missionary meeting at Farmington the Historians office
President Young addressed the meeting in the spirit & power of God &
reproved & rebuked in the power of God & gave great & glorious teachings
unto us upon principles of the Kingdom of God. G. D. Watt reported
see report. We had the Law of God containing many questions
by which the Missionaries were weighed it was a soul searching meeting
At 2 oclok President B. Young called into the office Dimmock Huntington
called into the office with Pintets & anothe Indian. President Young question
Him with regard to some accusations made By Dr Hurt against some men
in Filmore. President Young said that Dr Hurt had laboured Hard to
find fault against this people in order to have sumthing to write to washington
A Young man came in by the name of George W. Hughs who had
came from the Army & been baptized offered himself as a missionary
to teach the young people. President Grant gave him good council
& he went his way. The Presidency, The Twelve, the seventies
the High Priests, the Bishops with their Council all met in
the social Hall & President Brigham weighedYoung ^weighed^ the whole of them in the scales of the Celestial Law of God & there were
but vary few that weighed clear in evry point President
Young taught the people good doctrin & in a fatherly spirit [FIGURE]
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day in the office. I wrote a Letter to EBrother Kington I had an interview with President J. M. Grant & F. D. Richards
upon the subject of the gospel scales used to weigh the people &
its effects I spent the evening at home we had a snow storm
during the night
~ Thursday
6th Presidents Kimball & GJ M Grant called into the Historians office
& conversed upon principle. Brother Kimball said that any man
that was faithful in the priesthood would have all the blessings
He could imagin or think in his heart and when Father Joseph
Smith was on his dying bed I asked him to bless me so it might
be written as he had blessed me several times & it was not written
but Father Smith told me to write down every thing that I could think
of in my heart or imagin & he would sign it & it should come
to pass but He said a man must keep the Commandments of God
Benjamin F. Johnson came in & asked council of President Young
in behalf of sister Babbitt what she should do in setling the
Esstate. He advised her to Chuse capt Hooper & B. F. Johnson to
settle the Esstate for Brother Johnson to go to Kanesville in the spring
He thought sister Babbitt was a good woman & would enjoy Mormonism
Brigham H. Young arived to day called upon President Young
who was glad to see him He had been with A. O. Smoot to St LouisNauvoo & Keokuk. Nauvoo looks Desolate weeds growing up in the
streets. He went to Emma Smiths mansion but could not see any
of the family He said Emma had instilled into the minds of her Children that
it was President Young who had caused the deaths of Joseph & Hiram Smith
(an idea more fals never entered the Human soul. President Brigham Young
said he thought that Joseph would have as hard work to dig her out of
Hell in the next world as he did in this
Brother Young informed us that Eldridge was quite sick thought that Brother
Smoot would be here on Friday
I attended the Missionary meeting at the Historians office
President Young addressed the meeting in the spirit & power of God &
reproved & rebuked in the power of God & gave great & glorious teachings
unto us upon principles of the kingdom of God. G. D. Watt reported
see report. We had the Law of God containing many questions
by which the Missionaries were weighed it was a soul searching meeting
At 2 oclok President B. Young called into the office Dimmock Huntington
called into the office with Pintets & anothe Indian. President Young questioned
Him with regard to some accusations made By Dr Hurt against some men
in Filmore. President Young said that Dr Hurt had laboured Hard to
find fault against this people in order to have sumthing to write to washington
A Young man came in by the name of George W. Hughs who had
came from the Army & been baptized offered himself as a missionary
to teach the young people. President Grant gave him good Council
& he went his way. The Presidency The Twelve, the seventies
the High Priests, the Bishops with their Council all met in
the social Hall & President BrighamYoung weighed the whole of
[FIGURE] them in the scales of the Celestial Law of God & there were
but vary few that weighed clear in evry point President
Young taught the people good doctrin & in a fatherly spirit
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day in the office I wrote a Letter to Brother Kington
[FIGURE] I had an interview with President J. M. Grant & F. D. Richards
upon the subject of the gospel scales used to weigh the people &
its effects [FIGURE] I spent the evening at home we had a snow storm
during the night
~ Thursday
6th Presidents Kimball & J M Grant called into the Historians office
& conversed upon principle Brother Kimball said that any man
that was faithful in the priesthood would have all the blessings
He could imagin or think in his heart and when Father Joseph
Smith was on his dying bed I asked him to bless me so it might
be written as he had blessed me several times & it was not written
but Father Smith told me to write down every thing that I could think
of in my heart or imagin & he would sign it & it should come
to pass but He said a man must keep the Commandments of God
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 3, 1856 - November 6, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025,