RulerEngland Had And Catherine was one of the greatest
sovreigns of Russia But Poligamy I think has a tendency to bury
up the talent of women. H. C. K. is it worse to be a mans second
wife than to be a horewhore? G I dont know that it is.
Here Mr Greely closed his interigations. Took his
hat Bowed to the company & retired
After Mr Greely left conversation turned upon the oppositi-
on of our enemies. President Young said the Lord has said he
would fight our Battles & give us the victory & he has done it
thus Far. Should the Lord say now draw the sword & fight
many would cut their way through an Enemy & turn
around & fight over the spoil. this would gratify two many
evil hearts and that would not do President Kimball said
God holds Gov Cummings to do his will for us if He was to
leg go of him he would be our bitter Enemy
~ Thursday
14th I spent the forepart of the day in the office the afternoon in
getting Hay
~ Friday
15th I spent the day in the office in the after noon I called
upon President Young & red to him my report of his inter
view with Mr Greely. He was pleased with it, it met his
approbation. I also red it to D. H. Wells in the Historians
office I wrote a Letter to G. A. Smith
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day hoeing sugar cane & corn. I attended
a meeting of the Typhographical Society at the Counceil House
Mr Horace Greely was present the meeting was got up for his
specil Benefit there was quite a room full of Brethren
& sisters, and a Band of music. after a few tunes by the
Band & a short Prayer By Gilbert Clements we herd
a speech from Mr Horace Greely & I must say that
I was entirely disappointed in the man I was asstonished
at his speech, &language, & appearance. he appeared far more
like a clown of the lowest grade than he did like a
man of letters, ability, & extensive influence & a
conducter of one of the most popular Journals in the Nation
I was at a losts to know whether he was playing the possum
or had lost his senses. He appeared to me like a man
who had accidentelly stumbled into notiriety popularity
& wealth, for neither his head, Phisiognomy, looks,
acts, or speech indicated indicated in the least a man
of knowledge, refinement talent, influence or abilitey
sufficient to edit a Tribune his speech was reported by G. D. Watt I did not take Minutes it is true there was
some sense in what He said but the language he used
& his manner of speaking nearly destroyed all interest
in the sentiments advanced. He commenced in a whine-
ing drawing out of his words in a vary flat manner in
a babiyish stile as though he had neither a knowledge of
language or Grammar while at the same time we must
be fully aware that he is vary proficient in both for
He has Edited & conducted the Tribune the most popular
& widest circulated paper in America for more than
July 13
Ruler England Had And Catherine was one of the greatest
Sovreigns of Russia But Poligamy I think has a tendency to bury
up the talent of women H. C. K. is it worse to be a mans second
wife than to be awhore G I dont know that it is.
Here Mr Greely closed his interigations. Took his
hat Bowed to the company & retired
After Mr Greely left conversation turned upon the opposition of our enemies President Young said the Lord has said he
would fight our Battles & give us the victory & he has done it
thus Far. Should the Lord say now draw the sword & fight
many would cut their way through an Enemy & turn
around & fight over the spoil. this would gratify two many
evil hearts and that would not do President Kimball said
God holds Gov Cummings to do his will for us if He was to
leg go of him he would be our bitter Enemy
~ Thursday
14th I spent the forepart of the day in the office the afternoon in
getting Hay
~ Friday
15th I spent the day in the office in the after noon I called
upon President Young & red to him my report of his inter
view with Mr Greely. He was pleased with it, it met his
approbation. I also red it to D. H. Wells in the Historians
office [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to G. A. Smith
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day hoeing sugar cane & corn I attended
a meeting of the Typhographical Society at the Council House
Mr Horace Greely was present the meeting was got up for his
specil Benefit there was quite a room full of Brethren
& sisters, and a Band of music. after a few tunes by the
Band & a short Prayer By Gilbert Clements we herd
a speech from Mr Horace Greely & I must say that
I was entirely disappointed in the man I was asstonished
at his speech,language, & appearance. he appeared far more
like a clown of the lowest grade than he did like a
man of letters, ability, & extensive influence & a
conducter of one of the most popular Journals in the Nation
I was at a loss to know whether he was playing the possum
or had lost his senses. He appeared to me like a man
who had accidentelly stumbled into notiriety popularity
& wealth,. for neither his head, Phisiognomy, looks,
acts, or speech indicated in the least a man
of knowledge, refinement talent, influence or ability
sufficient to edit a Tribune his speech was reported by
G. D. Watt I did not take minutes it is true there was
some sense in what He said but the language he used
& his manner of speaking nearly destroyed all interest
in the sentiments advanced. He commencd in a whineing drawing out of his words in a vary flat manner in
a babyish stile as though he had neither a knowledge of
language or Grammar while at the same time we must
be fully aware that he is vary proficient in both for
He has Edited & conducted the Tribune the most popular
& widest circulated paper in America for more than
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 13, 1859 - July 16, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 9, 2025,