is not many Editors come among you by the looks of the
papers published here. Y No and if they should we should
be careful not to employ them to publish for us
G I think it would be a good plan to sow the Canida thistle
all over the sage plains & deserts it would renevate the
soil & make food for cattle. Y if that is your opinion
pray dont tell the people of it for you could not introduce
a worse plague if the people was ^to^ introduce Canida Thistles
it would come Nearer to driving out the mormons from the
country than any elsthing els. they would ruin any country
G O I think they would be a great Benefit & if they got
into your grass & farming land you can eisily kill them by
mowing & salting them. Y I think not. G I think the
Army was sent here esspecially for your Benefit & the
Benefit of Wardle & Russel, you are getting rich through
the army. Y The people are making money from that source
they introduce money, cattle, waggons Horses & Mules.
The people buy the waggons for the Irons for $15 or $20
of the largest class, containing some 6 or 800 lbs which
is quite a help to the country whare Irons is scearce. G.
The whole country is lined with Iron. there is many
miles of chains & if I lived in the country I would pick
it up & cash it. Y The Government would claim it
G I would give them so many days Notice then to take
it out of the way & if they did not do it I would take
it myself. There is more good timber in one of those
large freight waggons than grows in this whole Territory
I dont believe in your having a Famine or that there
is going to be any Famine. Y what do you refer to. G I
see it published in the Deseret News. Y. yes you refer to Orson HydesFamine sermon. G We had 2 frost in the
states & it was reported that evry thing was killed on
the 11th June in the North But I do not think that the
frosted district was vary extensive. [Y.] We are improving
evry year in agricultural pursuits & when we get all the Dr
& Lawyiers to work we shall raise all you want. I dont
think we shall have any Famine. I have travelled through
many parts of Europe they are capable of raising much
food, I think Lombardy with its irrigation is the richest
part of Europe. [G.] Mr Young I shall have to state in my
report that I consider your system of poligamy is reducing
the female Here to the oriental state I see no chance for the
female here for her to develop herself. I see no Female signs
out in this city. I see no chance for a woman ownly to be
a first or fifteenth wife. Y A woman here has all the
chance or liberty here to develop her talent or capabilities
of doing good & filling her sphere that she has in any country
But I do not want any woman to council & dictate me
in the direction of my affairs if I did I should think I
ought to have been made a woman. G I dont care whether
a person is man or woman I think they should have the priv-
lege of Developing their Talent, it is well enough for a
woman to bear children But I think they ought to rule
when they are capable of it. Queen Elizabeth was the greatest
July 13
is not many Editors come among you by the looks of the
papers published here. Y No and if they should we should
be careful not to Employ them to publish for us
G I think it would be a good plan to sow the Canida thistle
all over the sage plains & deserts it would renevate the
soil & make food for cattle. Y if that is your opinion
pray dont tell the people of it for you could not introduce
a worse plague if the people was to introduce Canida Thistles
it would come Nearer to driving out the mormons from the
country than anything els. they would ruin any country
G O I think they would be a great Benefit & if they got
into your grass & farming land you can eisily kill them by
mowing & salting them. Y I think not. G I think the
Army was sent here esspecially for your Benefit & the
Benefit of Wardle & Russel, you are getting rich through
the army. Y The people are making money from that source
they introduce money, cattle, waggons Horses & Mules.
The people buy the waggons for the Irons for $15 or $20
of the largest class, containing some 6 or 800 lbs which
is quite a help to the country where Iron is scearce G.
The whole country is lined with Iron. there is many
miles of chains & if I lived in the country I would pick
it up & cash it. Y The Government would claim it
G I would give them so many days Notice then to take
it out of the way & if they did not do it I would take
it myself. There is more good timber in one of those
large freight waggons than grows in this whole Territory
I dont believe in your having a Famine or that there
is going to be any Famine Y what do you refer to. G I
see it published in the Deseret News. Y. yes you refer to
Orson Hydes sermon. G We had 2 frost in the
states & it was reported that evry thing was killed on
the 11th June in the North But I do not think that the
frosted district was vary extensive. Y. We are improving
evry year in agricultural, pursuits & when we get all the Dr
& Lawyiers to work we shall raise all you want. I dont
think we shall have any Famine. I have travelled through
many parts of Europe they are capable of raising much
food, I think Lombardy with its irrigation is the richest
part of Europe. G. Mr Young I shall have to state in my
report that I consider your system of poligamy is reducing
the female Here to the oriental state I see no chance for the
female here for her to develop herself, I see no Female signs
out in this city I see no chance for a woman ownly to be
a first or fifteenth wife. Y A woman here has all the
chance or liberty here to develop her talent or capabilities
of doing good & filling her sphere that she has in any country
But I do not want any woman to council & dictate me
in the direction of my affairs if I did I should think I
ought to have been made a woman G I dont care whether
a person is man or woman I think they should have the privlege of Developing their Talent, it is well enough for a
woman to bear children But I think they ought to rule
when they are capable of it. Queen Elizabeth was the greatest
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 13, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 3, 2025,