Oct 15
I spent the day diging potatoes met with the 70s in the
seminary in the evening G A Smith preached I followed him
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day husking corn I spent the evening in
the prayer circle
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I met with the people at 2 oclock I preached
to the people was followed by G A. Smithwin the evening
G A Smith & myself attended the Bishops & Presidents prayer circle
~ Monday
18. Wilford started home with the team I attended
the prayer circle with G A Smith
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
19, 20, 21 I spent the time in provo I visited severel sugar
cane molasses making esstablishments two by water
& one hors power the cane is mostly damaged by frost
4 gallons of Juce that was ripe made a gallon of molasses
but that which was green & frozen it took 8 & 10 gallons
for one of Molasses.
~ Friday
212nd I started for home with my team Robert & Delight
I settled my business in Provo before I started I got
3 gallons of Molasses from one acre the remainder
destroyed by frost & cattle one Acre of corn destroyed
except 8 bushels I had about 150 lb of flax & 50 bushels
of potatoes. I traveled to Lehi & spent the night at Bishop Evans I collected 10 bushels of wheat which was due
me for trees Brother Evans treated me vary kindly
he showed me 500 bushels of tithing potatoes He had
about 1000 Bushels of wheat of his own he said he had
not sowld a Bushel of any Grain to the armey. An officer
told him that A Council of Doctors had decided that
the army was in an unhealthy situation & most of the
officers were going to the states on furlough & in the spring
He thought most of othe armey would leeve in the spring
~ Saturday
23rd I started for home I met several Government
trains on the way I stoped at Unionville & collected
several bushels of wheat, which I left at Chases Mill
& arived home at 9 oclok P.M. 50 mils
~ Sunday
24th Sunday the Eastern & Calafornia Mail both arived
I called upon the President & spent a part of the day with
him & G. A. SmithH. C kimballD. H. WellsF. D. Richards
& LE Snow. I met with my Prayer circle at 10 oclok J. C. Little gave an account of a Row last night Henry E. Phelps with several others knocked down a
man in the streets & robed him of $165, then a
company Gathered ^&^ threatened to kill a polieceman
of he did not go & releace a prisioner he did so several
poliecemen Gathered & the mob fired upon them & Bishop Wiyler shot himself in the calf of the leg many shots
were fired by the mob. during this morning a man
caught Brigham H Young Horse by the bit & tried to
steal his horse from him or the Bridel Brother Pickston
knocked him down with his poliece stick. I met with
the 12 in the prayer circle at 6 oclok E. Snow prayed &
G A Smith was mouth
~ Friday
Oct 15
I spent the day diging potatoes met with the 70s in the
seminary in the evening G A Smith preached I followed him
~ Saturday
16th I spent the day husking corn I spent the evening in
the prayer circle
~ Sunday
17th Sunday I met with the People at 2 oclock I preached
to the people was followed by G A. Smith in the evening
G A Smith & myself attended the Bishops & Presidents prayer circle
~ Monday
18. Wilford started home with the team I attended
the prayer circle with G A Smith
~ Tuesday to ~ Thursday
19, 20, 21 I spent the time in provo I visited several sugar
cane molasses making esstablishments two by water
& one hors power the Cane is mostly damaged by frost
4 gallons of Juce that was ripe made a gallon of molasses
but that which was green & frozen it took 8 & 10 gallons
for one of Molasses.
~ Friday
22nd I started for home with my team Robert & Delight
I settled my business in Provo before I started I got
3 gallons of Molasses from one acre the remainder
destroyed by frost & cattle one Acre of corn destroyed
except 8 bushels. I had about 150 lbs of flax & 50 bushels
of potatoes. I traveled to Lehi & spent the night at Bishop
Evans I collected 10 bushels of wheat which was due
me for trees Brother Evans treated me vary kindly
he showed me 500 bushels of tithing potatoes He had
about 1000 Bushels of wheat of his own he said he had
not sold a Bushel of any grain to the armey. An officer
told him that A Council of Doctors had decided that
the army was in an unhealthy situation & most of the
officers were going to the states on furlough & in the spring
He thought most of the armey would leave in the spring
~ Saturday
23rd I started for home I met several Government
trains on the way I stoped at Union ville & collected
several bushels of wheat, which I left at Chases Mill
& arived home at 9 oclok P.M. 50 mils
~ Sunday
24th Sunday the Eastern & Calafornia Mail both arived
I called upon the President & spent a part of the day with
him & G. A. SmithH. C. KimballD. H. WellsF. D. Richards
&E Snow. I met with my Prayer circle at 10 oclok
J. C. Little gave an account of a Row last night
Henry E. Phelps with several others knocked down a
man in the streets & robed him of $165, then a
company Gathered & threatened to kill a polieceman
if he did not go & releace a prisioner he did so several
poliecemen Gathered & the mob fired upon them & Bishop
Wyler shot himself in the calf of the leg many shots
were fired by the mob. during this morning a man
caught Brigham H Young Horse by the bit & tried to
steal his horse from him or the Bridel. Brother Pickston
knocked him down with his poliece stick. I met with
the 12 in the prayer circle at 6 oclok E. Snow prayed &
G A Smith was mouth
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 15, 1858 - October 24, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/g5Q3