As to Brother Brigham YoungI have to say that He is just as good a man as
ever was on Earth. Now wake up Brethren & see that you purify
yourselves before you try to purify others then go forth & lift up your
voice like a trumpet & call upon all men to repent get full of the
Holy Ghost & there is not a man that will do it but what will be filled
with Prophesyings as were the ancient Nephites, and little Boys 4 years
old will prophesiey. I do not wish to go to a feast or a dance until this
people reform. and when there is men enough here to bring forth
this refermation & men will not prosper untill they do their duty
to God & each other. I have no desire to attend any recreation untill
this people are filled with the spirit & power of God & I do not
think that President Young has. if you will rise up & do your duty
you will be blessed & no man that rises up against us in this place
will prosper if we do our duty & we wash our feet against them
I believe in washing our feet against our Enemies. The spirit of God
has been upon us for more than a year & the people would play laugh &
trifle about it but if they had the spirit of God & done their duty they would
have seen it this has been my feelings all the time I have felt that the
people were trifling with the things of God. Brother Jedediah is fallen a
mighty man is taken from us but his power is here it still rests upon
Brother Brigham & myself & when we lay hands upon ^another^ hi man the spirit
of God & of Jedediah will rest upon him in full force that he may do the
work & fill his place as a counciller to the president & I know it. May God
Bless you Amen
Elder F. D. Richards followed in bearing testimony. R L Campbell took minutes
He was followed by C. H. WheelockJoseph HoveyG. D. GrantD. D. Hurt
& savage then Brigham Young said why we take the Elders for Missionaries
who have just came in is that we can set them to work while their armour is on for it has generally been the case that soon after the Elders
come in they throw down their armour & some are so far left to
themselves they do not enjoy the spirit of God. In answer to the
question of Brother Savage about people restoring what they hav stolen {from [illegible shorthand]}
in the first place I would say I would not steal but whare it cannot be
restored I would say put it into the P[erpetual] E[migration] Fund to gather poor for I would
not have any thing to do with it
A. H. Raleigh then spoke after
which Hopkins Pender, John M. Jones, & Joshua Midgeley were
called to go out on Missions. The Bishops with ther council the High Priest
& their council, The First Presidency of the 70s & the Presidents of Elders priests
Teachers & Deacon all are requested to meet with the Missoionaries in
this place on Monday evening each week. Benediction by Jacob Gates
~ Tuesday
Dec 9th I spent the day in the office writing the reports of Last Evening
I attended meeting with the Bishops I herd Bishop Hunter speak followed
by L. W. HardyA. H. Raleigh & E. D. Woolley & I made some remarks
[FIGURE] {President Young gave me the following and said keep this to yourself
[It was] a list of names of persons and families as [sent/seen] by J M Grant
He began by saying oh the destruction that is coming shortly upon this people. It will begin at Carson Valley. Orson Hyde will be destroyed and part of his family. Colonel and Enoch Reese will be destroyed and many others in that place. The next that will be mentioned was going to be cut root and branch. Next was Orson Pratt and part of his family. Next was A P Rockwood. Next Fordham and part of his family. Next A Lyman a curse at that place|shorthand}
{L} W {Hardy also said to me that J M Grant named D H Wells and Cannon would be tried}
As to Brother Brigham YoungI have to say that He is just as good a man as
ever was on Earth. Now wake up Brethren & see that you purify
yourselves before you try to purify others then go forth & lift up your
voice like a trumpet & call upon all men to repent get full of the
Holy Ghost & there is not a man that will do it but what will be filled
with Prophesyings as were the ancient Nephites, and little Boys 4 years
old will prophesiy. I do not wish to go to a feast or a dance until this
people reform. there is men enough here to bring forth
this refermation & men will not prosper untill they do their duty
to God & each other. I have no desire to attend any recreation untill
this people are filled with the spirit & power of God & I do not
think that President Young has. if you will rise up & do your duty
you will be blessed & no man that rises up against us in this place
will prosper if we do our duty & we wash our feet against them
I believe in washing our feet against our Enemies. The spirit of God
has been upon us for more than a year & the people would play laugh &
trifle about it but if they had the spirit of God & done their duty they would
have seen it this has been my feelings all the time I have felt that the
people were trifling with the things of God. Brother Jedediah is fallen a
mighty man is taken from us but his power is here it still rests upon
Brother Brigham & myself & when we lay hands upon another man the spirit
of God & of Jedediah will rest upon him in full force that he may do the
work & fill his place as a counciller to the president & I know it May God
Bless you Amen
Elder F. D. Richards followed in bearing testimony R L Campbell took minutes
He was followed by C. H. WheelockJoseph HoveyG. D. GrantD. D. Hurt
& savage then Brigham Young said why we take the Elders for Missionaries
who have just came in is that we can set them to work while their
armour is on for it has generally been the case that soon after the Elders
come in they throw down their armour & some are so far left to
themselves they do not enjoy the spirit of God. In answer to the
question of Brother Savage about people restoring what they hav stolen {from [illegible]}
in the first place I would say I would not steal but whare it cannot be
restored I would say put it into the Perpetual Emigration Fund to gather poor for I would
not have any thing to do with it
A. H. Raleigh then spoke after
which Hopkins Pender, John M. Jones, & Joshua Midgeley were
called to go out on Missions. The Bishops with ther council the High Priest
& their council, The First Presidency of the 70s & the Presidents of Elders priests
Teachers & Deacon all are requested to meet with the Missionaries in
this place on Monday evening each week. Benediction by Jacob Gates
~ Tuesday
Dec 9th I spent the day in the office writing the reports of Last Evening
I attended meeting with the Bishops I herd Bishop Hunter speak followed
by L. W. HardyA. H. Raleigh & E. D. Woolley & I made some remarks
[FIGURE] {President Young gave me the following and said keep this to yourself It was a list of names of persons and families as seen by J M Grant in a dream or vision. He began by saying oh the destruction that is coming shortly/assuredly upon this people. It will begin at Carson Valley. Orson Hyde will be destroyed and part of his family. Colonel and Enoch Reese will be destroyed and many others in that place. The next that will be mentioned was going to be cut root and branch. Next was Orson Pratt and part of his family. Next was A P Rockwood. Next Fordham and part of his family. Next A Lyman a curse at that place.}
{Leonard Hardy also said to me that Jedediah M Grant named D H Wells and Cannon would be tried}
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 8, 1856 - December 9, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025,