to attend to But I have done it freely & for that things I believe
it has [been] excepted I am thankful to see the Twelve & Presidency
so well united and the friendship & confidence the Twelve
have in me this is our safeguard the devil has not the power
over us that many think when we are united we should try
to keep the devil out of our houses & out of ourselves sometime
we may have a member in our houses who will let the devil
dwell in their tabernacles we cannot always help this but if
we are firm before the Lord we will gain ground untill we
will bind the devil and cast him out of our houses & finally
out of the Church I feel to Bless you my Brethren this Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles with evry feelings of my heart in
the Name of Jesus Christ and by all the Authority that God has
given me let us be up & doing & feed the flock of God the
Saints are weak many of them, and are tempted & tryed & they
wanted feeding & if you see any thing in me that is wrong I
wish you would come to me and tell me esspecially I should be
much oblieged to you to tell me any fault before you tell anybody
els. I consider it is a great blessings to belong to the Chiurch of
Christ I never did ask for any office in the Church of Christ
I want to be passive in the hands of God. I never did have those
great manifestations that some have I have thought that I
would like to have some of those manifestations if it was the will of
God but not if it is agoing to do me any harm I would not wish
to see an Angel or hear the voice of God if it would make me apostitize or do me an injury but let us act for to day &
we will have all the Blessings that is necessary for us
O Hyde said I believe & I may almost say I know that
there is not a feeling among the Twelve against the Presidency
and do not offerd up a prayer without asking God to Bless the presid-
ency & call them by name.
The question was asked had we
not better met hear evry thursday to fast. Brother Kimball
said I thing if you will meet with the people you will have
more of the spirit of God than to meet here
Preside[n]t Kimball dismissed us and Blessed us in the name of Jesus
Christ and said we should be blessed and the spirit of good should
be with us and be with our wives, and it should rest upon
the Earth around about us and these are the begining of Good
Better days
~ Thursday
24th A cold wind I spent the fore part of the day in the office we read G. A. Smith labours in Washington & ordered it to be recorded
in the Journal of the Twelve Apostles I spent the day in the office
on History
~ Friday
25 I spent half of the day in the office on History. I rode
to the Penetentiary in company with Samuel Richards
as Inspe[c]ters A P Rockwood had gone before us we
visited the whole of the Buildings and found some of
them damaged by heavy winds. there was but 2 prisi-
oners in the penetentiary & they were Indians waiting trial [FIGURES] I gave President Young a peace of Susans wedding cake
and an Apple I wrote a Letter to Felix H BentonSt Louis Mo. for 50 descriptive Honey Bird Grass pamphlets sent 10 cts
Feb 23
to attend to But I have done it freely & for that things I believe
it has been excepted I am thankful to see the Twelve & Presidency
so well united and the friendship & confidence the Twelve
have in me this is our safe guard the devil has not the power
over us that many think when we are united we should try
to keep the devil out of our houses & out of ourselves sometime
we may have a member in our houses who will let the devil
dwell in their tabernacles we cannot always help this but if
we are firm before the Lord we will gain ground untill we
will bind the devil and cast him out of our houses & finally
out of the church I feel to Bless you my Brethren this Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles with evry feelings of my heart in
the Name of Jesus Christ and by all the Authority that God has
given me let us be up & doing & feed the flock of God the
saints are weak many of them, and are tempted & tryed & they
wanted feeding & if you see any thing in me that is wrong I
wish you would come to me and tell me esspecially I should be
much oblieged to you to tell me any fault before you tell anybody
els. I consider it is a great blessings to belong to the Church of
Christ I never did ask for any office in the Church of Christ
I want to be passive in the hands of God. I never did have those
great manifestations that some have I have thought that I
would like to have some of those manifestations if it was the will of
God but not if it is agoing to do me any harm I would not wish
to see an Angel or hear the voice of God if it would make me
apostitize or do me an injury but let us act for to day &
we will have all the Blessings that is necessary for us
O Hyde said I believe & I may almost say I know that
there is not a feeling among the Twelve against the Presidency
and do not offer up a prayer without asking God to Bless the presidency & call them by name.
The question was asked had we
not better met hear evry thursday to fast. Brother Kimball
said I thing if you will meet with the people you will have
more of the spirit of God than to meet here
President Kimball dismissed us and Blessed us in the name of Jesus
Christ and said we should be blessed and the spirit of good should
be with us and be with our wives, and it should rest upon
the Earth around about us and these are the begining of Good
Better days
~ Thursday
24th A cold wind I spent the fore part of the day in the office we read
G. A Smith labours in washington & ordered it to be recorded
in the Journal of the Twelve Apostles I spent the day in the offic
on History
~ Friday
25 I spent half of the day in the office on History. I rode
to the Penetentiary in company with Samuel Richards
as Inspeters A P Rockwood had gone before us we
visited the whole of the Buildings and found some of
them damaged by heavy winds. there was but 2 prisioners in the penetentiary & they were Indians waiting trial
FIGURES I gave President Young a peace of Susans wedding cake
and an Apple I wrote a Letter to Felix H BentonSt Louis Mo
[FIGURE] for 50 descriptive Honey Bird Grass pamphlets sent 10 cts
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," February 23, 1859 - February 25, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,