I spent the evening with the regency with President Young
there were present Brigham Young D. H. WellsO. Hyde
W. Woodruff G. A. SmithE. T. BensonF. D. RichardsA.
CarringtonW. W Phelps, Hosea Stout, Samuel Richards G. D. Watt ^&^ R. L. Campbell & Joseph A Young we agreed
upon the arangment of the Alphabet to have it stand perpendiclar
also to print the first Book in the Deseret Alphabet & to print
some in each Number of the Deseret News. President Young
has laboured unceseingly to esstablish the Deseret Alphabet
& have it taught in our schools. Judge Sinclair ruled
that [since] they had sit in court but 7 days instead of nearly 60
that He should not count time ownly while sitting in court
The Deseret News published the procedings of the court
which has made the Judge & his party quite mad.
~ Friday
26. We have a hard snow storm this morning I spent
the day in the office scraping
~ Saturday
27th It is a cold day I spent the day in the office scraping
& preparing matter for the deseret Alphabet. Mr kinkade
& his parrty were tried before the Mayor and fined
$20 each Kirk Anderson plead their cause or
rather Pled guilty for them
~ Sunday
28th Sunday President Young was confined to his room
all day with illness The eastern Mail arived last night
at 12 oclok, a vary dry mail nothing of interest. I met
with my Quorum at 12 oclok for Prayer R L Campbell
prayed Brother Pugmire was Mouth I spent several
hours in the Presidents office looking over the mail
but found but little of interest I met with the Twelve
in the Prayer Circle G. A. Smith Prayed & C. C. Rich was
mouth The subjects of our prayers were for the Presiden
& for the Lord to overthrow the evil designs of our enemies
against us & to divide them in their councils that they
may do us no harm
~ Monday
29th A plesant morning Brother Riser came into
the office & spoke of his mission in Jermany He had
four trials & 23 days imprisionment in Hamburgh
for preaching the fulness of the Gospel called mormonism
The court met this morning at 11 oclok Judge Sinclair
has tried to rig a purchase to take up Brigham Young &
his council & the Twelve for treason he gave a charge
to the Jury to Bring in a charge of treason against
the leaders of this people but to day the District Attorney
has argured before the court & the Grand Jury that they
had no Jurisdiction upon treason that was committed
at any period before the peace commissioners left this Territory for Washington. It is a Historical fact that
treson did exhist in this Territory it is equally a Historical
fact that all treason which exhisted in this Territory was
pardoned By James Buchanan the President of the United
States and By the Govornor of this territory and the
Nov 25
I spent the evening with the regency with President Young
there were present Brigham Young D. H. WellsO. Hyde
W. Woodruff G. A. SmithE. T. BensonF. D. RichardsA.
CarringtonW. W Phelps, Hosea Stout, Samuel RichardsG. D. Watt & R. L. Campbell & Joseph A Young we agreed
upon the arangment of the Alphabet to have it stand perpendicular
also to print the first Book in the Deseret Alphabet & to print
some in each Number of the Deseret News. President Young
has laboured unceseingly to esstablish the Deseret Alphabet
& have it taught in our schools. Judge Sinclair ruled
that since they had sit in court but 7 days instead of nearly 60
that He should not count time ownly while sitting in court
The Deseret News published the procedings of the court
which has made the Judge & his party quite mad.
~ Friday
26. We have a hard snow storm this morning I spent
the day in the office scraping
~ Saturday
27th It is a cold day I spent the day in the office scraping
& preparing matter for the deseret Alphabet. Mr Kinkade
& his party were tried before the Mayor and fined
$20 each Kirk Anderson plead their cause or
rather Pled guilty for them
~ Sunday
28th Sunday President Young was confined to his room
all day with illness. The eastern Mail arived last night
at 12 oclok a vary dry mail nothing of interest. I met
with my Quorum at 12 oclok for Prayer R L Campbell
prayed Brother Pugmire was Mouth I spent several
hours in the Presidents office looking over the mail
but found but little of interest. I met with the Twelve
in the Prayer Circle. G. A. Smith Prayed & C. C. Rich was
mouth. The subjects of our prayers were for the President
& for the Lord to overthrow the evil designs of our enemies
against us & to divide them in their Councils that they
may do us no harm
~ Monday
29th A plesant morning Brother Riser came into
the office & spoke of his mission in Jermany He had
four trials & 23 days imprisionment in Hamburgh
for preaching the fulness of the Gospel called mormonism
The court met this morning at 11 oclok Judge Sinclair
has tried to rig a purchase to take up Brigham Young &
his Council & the Twelve for treason he gave a charge
to the Jury to Bring in a charge of treason against
the leaders of this people but to day the District Attorney
has argured before the court & the Grand Jury that they
had no Jurisdiction upon treason that was committed
at any period before the peace commissioners left this
Territory for washington. It is a Historical fact that
treson did exhist in this Territory it is equally a Historical
fact that all treason which exhisted in this Territory was
pardoned By James Buchanan the President of the United
States & By the Govornor of this territory and the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," November 25, 1858 - November 29, 1858, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lOD5