I followed Brother Farr the following is a synopsis of the remarks
which I made. Brethren & sisters I count it a privilege to
Join my Brethren in bearing my testimony of the things of God I
have a feelings of solemnity resting upon my mind concerning
our duties as a people this feelings is increasing upon me daily
I can bear testimony that what brother Pratt has said is true
The Lord has a meaning in sending the Apostles & Elders into
the vineyard in this Territory to preach to the Saints, and I know
as God lives that the same spirit that rested upon the Ancient
Prophets before some great Event has rested upon the Ancient
Apostles & Elders upon this mission the spirit of God has rested
upon them to prophesy & teach great things in the name of the
Lord. I feel that as Prophets, Apostles & Elders we have no
time to sleep, slumber, & rest upon our lees & feel that we
have nothing to do but eat, Drink, dance & be merry for I
know there is a mighty responsibility resting upon us as a
people & we have no time to loose or throw away if we do our duty
to God to the Gentile Nations, to the whole Hou[s]e of Israel, to Zion & Jerrusalem, & are prepared ourselves for the great & mighty Events
which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning. Look at
the House o David the tribe of Judah alone see the rivers of Blood
which have run from their veins shed by the hands of the gentiles
for the Last 1800 yeasrs by the hand of Evry gentile Nation
under heaven their rivers of Blood have quenched the flames
of their burning Temples synagogues & cities their treanches &
cities have been filled with their mangled bodies left unburied
untill the stench has asscended up towards heaven from Generat-
ion to Generation evry Gentile Nation have demanded tribute
taxation of them beyong endurance & persecuted them unto death
The old Jewish Rabbies & Priest have turned their faces tow-
ards Gerrusalem for 1800 ye[a]rs & cryed unto God in great sorrow
& affliction. the God of Abraham has declared that the day
should come when their afflictions should scease & they should
be redeemed deliverd from the Gentile yoke redturn to Jerrusalem
rebuild Jerrusalem & their Temple & have great blessings again
given them by the hand of the God of their Fathers but for all
these blessings He would be inquired of by the House of Israel
to do int for them. The dawning of that day has come, the
fulness of the Gentiles is fast coming in, the time has come
for them to begin to go home to Jerrusalem but awho is to ask
for this blessing at the hand of God is it required at the hand of the
Jews alone their is a veil ostill over them the kingdom of God
is taken from ^them^ the priesthood with its keys & powr is not within
their reach by which they can rend the veil of Eternity in
order to obtain thes blessings at the hand of the God of ther fathers
they have not a partical of faith in the name or blood of the
Son of God but they are doomed to go home & build their
city in unbelief then at whose hands does the God of heaven
require these things. It is at your hands O ye Latter Day
Saints you are of the house of Israel linege of Joseph through the
tribe of Ephraim your fathers have been mixed with the
Gentiles & God has called you out & given unto you the kingdom
with all its powers & Blessings He has given you the Holy Priesthood
& taken the veil from off your eyes & you are the ownly people
[FIGURE] I followed Brother Farr the following is a synopsis of the remarks
which I made. Brethren & sisters I count it a privilege to
Join my Brethren in bearing my testimony of the things of God I
have a feelings of solemnity resting upon my mind concerning
our duties as a people this feelings is increasing upon me daily
I can bear testimony that what brother Pratt has said is true
The Lord has a meaning in sending the Apostles & Elders into
the vineyard in this Territory to preach to the Saints, and I know
as God lives that the same spirit that rested upon the Ancient
Prophets before some great Event has rested upon the
Apostles & Elders upon this mission the spirit of God has rested
upon them to prophesy & teach great things in the name of the
Lord. I feel that as Prophets, Apostles & Elders we have no
time to sleep, slumber, & rest upon our lees & feel that we
have nothing to do but eat, Drink, dance & be merry for I
know there is a mighty responsibility resting upon us as a
people & we have no time to loose or throw away if we do our duty
to God to the Gentile Nations, to the whole House of Israel, to Zion &
Jerrusalem, & are prepared ourselves for the great & mighty Events
which are rushing upon us with the rapidity of lightning. Look at
the House o David the tribe of Judah alone see the rivers of Blood
which have run from their veins shed by the hands of the gentiles
for the Last 1800 years by the hand of Evry gentile Nation
under heaven their rivers of Blood have quenched the flames
of their burning Temples synagogues & cities their treanches &
Cities have been filled with their mangled bodies left unburied
untill the stench has asscended up towards heaven from Generation to Generation evry Gentile Nation have demanded tribute
taxation of them beyond Endurance & persecuted them unto death
The old Jewish Rabbies & Priest have turned their faces towards Gerrusalem for 1800 years & cryed unto God in great sorrow
& affliction. the God of Abraham has declared that the day
should come when their afflictions should scease & they should
be redeemed deliverd from the Gentile yoke return to Jerrusalem
rebuild Jerrusalem & their Temple & have great blessings again
given them by the hand of the God of their Fathers but for all
these blessings He would be inquired of by the House of Israel
to do it for them. The dawning of that day has come, the
fulness of the Gentiles is fast coming in, the time has come
for them to begin to go home to Jerrusalem but who is to ask
for this blessing at the hand of God is it required at the hand of the
Jews alone their is a veilstill over them the kingdom of God
is taken from them the Priesthood with its keys & powr is not within
their reach by which they can rend the veil of Eternity in
order to obtain thes blessings at the hand of the God of ther fathers
they have not a partical of faith in the name or blood of the
son of God but they are doomed to go home & build their
city in unbelief then at whose hands does the God of heaven
require these things. It is at your hands O ye Latter Day
Saints you are of the house of Israel linege of Joseph through the
tribe of Ephraim your fathers have been mixed with the
Gentiles & God has called you out & given unto you the kingdom
with all its powers & Blessings He has given you the Holy Priesthood
& taken the veil from off your eyes & you are the ownly people
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 12, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/yLz