upon this people if he can and has the power. I want to say
one word with regard to assuming this diret tax I think we had
better let the Government appoint there own officers & collect
there own tax, for I am satisfied that a Legal & Lawful assesor
& collecter cannot be found in this Territory according to this law
for there is not a Free holder in this Territory
~ Tuesday
24 I spent a part of the day in the Legislature the Afternoon I met in the New Hall in the 14th ward at 10 oclok for the purpose of dedica-
ting the House. Mrs Woodruff with several others of the Sisters
have been at work night and day almost for several days in making
the curtains & trimings for the windows and doors in order to get
it ready for the Dedication. Brother Edington took the supervis-
ion of the whole triming of the House. President Young arived
at about 11 oclok He called upon me to offer the Dedication
The following Dedication Prayer was offered By W Woodruff
O God our Eternal Father we present ourselves before thee this
Morning in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to Dedicate this House
unto Thee, and we ask for thy Holy Spirit to bring all things to
our rememberance which may be nessacessary in the dedication
of this House. We dedicate the Foundation of this building together
with the ground upon which it stands that it may be Holy from
the commencement to the name of Most High. We dedicate the
Foundation with the rock Mortar and timbers and all things
appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate
the walls of this House with the adobies, the mortar and every
tihing appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto Thee. We
dedicate the floor with the Joists boards and nails thereof that
the same may be Holy unto Thee. We also dedicate the windows
with the sash, glass putty and every thing pertaining thereto
also the curtains with the trimings ^thereof^ and the shades that
they may be Holy unto thee Lord. we dedicate the doors with
the Hinges screws locks, latches, and every thing pertaining
thereto that they may be Holy unto Thee the Lord our God. We
dedicate the roof with the rafters, boards, shingles, lath, nails
Upon this people if he can and has the power. I want to say
one word with regard to assuming this diret tax I think we had
better let the Government appoint there own officers & collect
there own tax, for I am satisfied that a Legal & Lawful assesor
& collecter cannot be found in this Territory according to this law
for there is not a Free holder in this Territory
~ Tuesday
24 I spent a part of the day in the Legislature the Afternoon I met
[FIGURE] in the New Hall in the 14 ward at 10 oclok for the purpose of dedicating the House. Mrs Woodruff with several others of the sisters
have been at work night and day almost for several days in making
the curtains & trimings for the windows and doors in order to get
it ready for the Dedication. Brother Edington took the supervision of the whole triming of the House. President Young arived
at about 11 oclok He called upon me to offer the Dedication
The following Dedication Prayer was offered by W Woodruff
O God our Eternal Father we present ourselves before thee this
Morning in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to Dedicate this House
unto Thee, and we ask for thy Holy Spirit to bring all things to
our rememberance which may be necessary in the dedication
of this House. We dedicate the Foundation of this building together
with the ground upon which it stands that it may be Holy from
the commencement to the name of Most High. We dedicate the
Foundation with the rock Mortar and timbers and all things
appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto the Lord. We dedicate
the walls of this House with the adobies, the mortar and every
thing appertaining thereto that it may be Holy unto Thee. We
dedicate the door with the Joists boards and nails thereof that
the same may be Holy unto Thee. We also dedicate the windows
with the sash, glass putty and every thing pertaining thereto
also the curtains with the trimings thereof and the shades that
they may be Holy unto the Lord. we dedicate the doors with
the Hinges screws locks, latches, and every thing pertaining
thereto that they may be Holy unto Thee the Lord our God. We
dedicate the Roof with the rafters, boards, shingles, lath, nails
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," December 23, 1861 - December 24, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Bg0Q