22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & went
to the Tabernacle & Herd L. E. Harrington speak followed by
President Young who preached upon the Law of Life He gave much
vary good instruction and turned a that onlocked a door
that showed the future as touched ourselves & orur posterity for-
ever. He tought us the importance of our doing right & living
the Law of Life that we might be strong & healthy & have healthy
children and that Mothers should be prudent for the Benefit
of there osprings. George Symns spoke in the afternoon
President Young & Wells called in the evening & several of
the Twelve & spent a short time we then spent the Evening
at President Youngs office
~ Monday
23rd I spent the afternoon in the Legislature in the Evening the
committees on revenue met at the Historians Office also Presid[en]t Young & Wells we had a corcus [caucus] to take into consideration the
subject of the welfare of the inhabitats of Utah. We read
the long Law upon the direct tax and discussed that subject
President Young said in speaking of Govornor Dawson you
take a man like him who has been an Editor for 15 years and
you will find him to be a Jackass. He told the story of Brockass
On the steamer going down the river. The Homestead Bill
was spoken of. President Young said the Lord will soon pass
a Homestead Bill. you need not look for the Nation to do much
for us. H Stout was of the opinion that the Legislature had not
the power to make laws disposing of Lands & improvements E. T. Benson, & Orson Hyde made short speeches. President Young
followed & said you want to go to & call a convention we want
to get up a state government. I believe as I live that that
we should organize a State Government and let it go into
Effect by the 15th March & I have faith to believe that God will
sustain us. This is a secret corcus & I dont want it known
what is done here. I can say this about forming a State Gover-
nment I Believe that Abel Lincoln does intend to bring destruction
~ Friday
Dec 20 1861
A vary warm foggy morning I spent a part of the day in the
Legislature was adjourned till Monday morning
22nd Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & went
to the Tabernacle & Herd L. E. Harrington speak followed by
President Young who preached upon the Law of Life He gave much
vary good instruction and turned a [FIGURE] that onlocked a door
that showed the future as touched ourselves & our posterity forever. He tought us the importance of our doing right & living
the Law of Life that we might be strong & healthy & have healthy
children and that Mothers should be prudent for the Benefit
of there osprings. George Symns spoke in the afternoon
President Young & Wells called in the evening & several of
the Twelve & spent a short time we then spent the Evening
at President Youngs office
~ Monday
23rd I spent the afternoon in the Legislature in the Evening the
committees on Revenue met at the Historians Office also President
Young & Wells we had a corcus caucus to take into consideration the
subject of the welfare of the inhabitats of Utah. We read
the long Law upon the direct tax and discussed that subject
President Young said in speaking of Govornor Dawson you
take a man like him who has been an Editor for 15 years and
you will find him to be a Jackass. He told the story of Brockass
On the steamer going down the river. The Homestead Bill
was spoken of. President Young said the Lord will soon pass
a Homestead Bill. you need not look for the Nation to do much
for us. H Stout was of the opinion that the Legislature had not
the power to make laws disposing of Lands & improvements
E. T. Benson, & Orson Hyde made short speeches. President Young
followed & said you want to go to & call a convention we want
to get up a state government. I believe as I live that that
we should organize a State Government and let it go into
Effect by the 15th March & I have faith to believe that God will
sustain us. This is a secret corcus & I dont want it known
what is done here. I can say this about forming a State Government I Believe that Abel Lincoln does intend to bring destruction
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," December 20, 1861 - December 23, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Ank9