Priestood and we are sent on a mission to the Nations of
the Earth, we go & Preach the gospel & bring many into the Church
and the Power of the Holy Ghost rest upon us. We heal the
seick, cast out devils, command the Elements & they obey
us & the Lord gives unto us dreams visions & revelations
and many Blessings should we not have respect Enough
to gGod to make a record of those Blessings which He pours
out upon us and Our official acts which we do in his
name upon the face of the Earth I think we should.
For an Example we embrace in our faith the belief that
the Ten Tribes of Israel will return from the North country
unto Zion in the last days suppose that those Israelites should
come to Zion in our day Led by the Holy Prophets of God
what would be one of the first questions we would ask
them, it would be, whare are your records show is [us]
your History we want to read an account of the dealings
of the Lord with you since you were led away under Shalmanezar king of Asyria [2 Kings 18:9-11] But what would be
our disappointment if they should ^say^ O we have not
kept any record or account of the great & mighty works
of God among our tribes for many generations, we
have herd our Fathers say that thet Lord had done many
great & marvelous works in there day we have also had
great Blessings while on our Journey to Zion from the North
country. The mountains o Ice flowed down before us and
there was a Highway cast up for us to walke in as there was
to Israel when they came out of Egypt into the land of Cainan
[Joshua 3:16-17] and the Nations Trembled at our presence but we did not keep
a record of these things we did not think any body would
be particularly interested in it but ourselves. should we not
be greatly disappointed at such information we should &
so would it be with them when they come to Zion & Enquire
for the History of this Church & kingdom if we were to tell
them that we had not kept any History of the rise & progress
of the Church. But instead of neglecting this branch of our
work let Evry man who can keep a Journal & record
Priestood and we are sent on a mission to the Nations of
the Earth, we go & Preach the gospel & bring many into the church
and the Power of the Holy Ghost rest upon us. We heal the
sick, cast out devils, command the Elements & they obey
us & the Lord gives unto us dreams visions & Revelations
and many Blessings should we not have respect Enough
toGod to make a record of those Blessings which He pours
out upon us and Our official acts which we do in his
name upon the face of the Earth? I think we should.
For an Example we Embrace in our faith the belief that
the Ten Tribes of Israel will return from the North Country
unto Zion in the last days suppose that those Israelites should
come to Zion in our day Led by the Holy Prophets of God
what would be one of the first questions we would ask
them? it would be, whare are your records? show is us
your History we want to read an account of the dealings
of the Lord with you since you were led away under
Shalmanezar king of Asyria But what would be
our disappointment if they should say O we have not
kept any record or account of the great & mighty works
of God among our tribes for many generations, we
have herd our Fathers say that the Lord had done many
great & marvelous works in there day we have also had
great Blessings while on our Journey to Zion from the North
Country. The mountains o Ice flowed down before us and
there was a Highway cast up for us to walke in as there was
to Israel when they came out of Egypt into the land of Cainan
and the Nations Trembled at our presence but we did not keep
a record of these things we did not think any body would
be particularly interested in it but ourselves. should we not
be greatly disappointed at such information? we should &
so would it be with them when they come to Zion & Enquire
for the History of this church & kingdom if we were to tell
them that we had not kept any History of the rise & progress
of the Church. But instead of neglecting this branch of our
work let Evry man who can keep a Journal & record
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 12, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025,