For this same Doctrin is taught in some of the old Jewish records
which have never been in print and I know Joseph Smith nor Brigham
Young have never had access to and the Lord has revealed this doctrin
unto them or they could not have taught it. President Young said
if all that God had revealed was in fine print it would more than
fill this room but vary little is written or printed which the Lord
has revealed when God restores the Priesthood and Apostleship
he gives the keys to unlock the fountain of knowledge power & glory
when An Apostle is called & ordained all of the keys of the kingdom
of God upon Earth are sealed upon him and God reveals heis mind
& will through that source to the children of men for the govern-
ment & salvation of the children of men, and he reveals much in
evry age when the priesthood is upon Earth which is not written
or printed
At about 3 oclock My Daughter Phebe wife of Lorenzo Snow
was taken in Labor at 3 oclok was taken in LDelivered of a daughter
at 15 minutes to 11 oclok She is doing vary well herself but her
daughter was supposed to be dead when born the midwife put the
child in warm water then in cold breathed into its lungs in
it remained without breathing for 30 minutes it then began
to breathed and breathed quit freely but was vary feeble through the night
~ Wednesday
5 Phebe is quite comfortable this morning the child is vary
feeble and it is quite difficul to keep life in it at about 12 oclok
the child appeared dead Sister Zina Young was present &
took charge of the child she breathed into his lungs & done all
she could and the child soon revived & sonon nursed I brought
up Susan from the farm to nursed the child I Blessed the
child and Named it Mary Amanda Snow. Sister Eliza
R Snow & Sister Zina Young spent the afternoon with us
& Sister Eliza all night. the child lived till 9 oclock P.M.
and then Breathed its last Sister Eliza laid it out
~ Thursday
M S6 We buried the child to day in my new lot No 7, Betwen J. M. Grants and Orson Hydes. Phresident Young sent up a carriage
to the grave & several of his family went up, to the burial
For this same Doctrin is taught in some of the old Jewish records
which have never been in print and I know Joseph Smith nor Brigham
Young have never had access to and the Lord has revealed this doctrin
unto them or they could not have taught it. President Young said
if all that God had revealed was in fine print it would more than
fill this room but vary little is written or printed which the Lord
has revealed when God restores the Priesthood and Apostleship
he gives the keys to unlock the fountain of knowledge power & glory
when An Apostle is called & ordained all of the keys of the kingdom
of God upon Earth are sealed upon him and God reveals his mind
& will through that source to the children of men for the government & salvation of the children of men, and he reveals much in
evry age when the priesthood is upon Earth which is not written
or printed
[FIGURE] At about 3 oclock My Daughter Phebe wife of Lorenzo Snow
was taken in Labor at 3 oclok wasDelivered of a daughter
at 15 minutes to 11 oclok she is doing vary well herself but her
daughter was supposed to be dead when born the midwife put the
child in warm water then in cold breathed into its lungs
it remained without breathing for 30 minutes it then began
to breath and breathed quit freely but was vary feeble through the night
5 Phebe is quite comfortable this morning the child is vary
feeble and it is quite difficult to keep life in it at about 12 oclok
the child appeared dead Sister Zina Young was present &
took charge of the child she breathed into his lungs & done all
she could and the child soon revived & soon nursed I brought
up Susan from the farm to nurs the child I Blessed the
child and Named it Mary Amanda Snow. Sister Eliza
R Snow & Sister Zina Young spent the afternoon with us
& sister Eliza all night. the child lived till 9 oclock P.M.
and then Breathed its last Sister Eliza laid it out
[FIGURE] 6 We buried the child to day in my new lot No 7. Betwen
J. M. Grants and Orson Hydes. President Young sent up a carriage
to the grave & several of his family went up, to the burial
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," September 4, 1860 - September 6, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025,