Prayer Arza Hinkley was mouth. I attended meeting at the taber-
nacle all day. Wm Willes and W. W. Phelps Preached in the forenoon
& President Young spoke in the afternoon. I met with John Taylor G. A. Smith & F. D. Richards for Prayer. W. Woodruff opened by
Prayer & G. A. Smith was mouth. I Preached at the 14 ward in
the Evening and had a good meeting
~ Monday
24 A Plesant morning I received 2 letters from J. M. Bernhisel & one package of 5 tea plants 2 I put in pots, one in my
Gardien one I gave to Presidents Youngs gardner, & one to G.
D. Watt. I received one letter tofrom MaBarton.
~ Tuesday
25 I spent the day in the office compiling History
~ Wednesday
26 We read to President Young the History and statistics of Utah
in answer to Bancrofts Letter. I put in a Bed of Hoocker, Hovey
seedling, & Peabody strawburies.
~ Thursday
27 I bought of T. Elebeck $20 dollars worth of strawburies, goose-
buries & Blackburies and I put in a large bed of wilsons Albany
and Vicount Harrecart D Thurry, & scarlet Magnet
~ Friday
28. We have had a vary dry time for a week untill this morning
it commenced to rain & snow. I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
29 I spent most of the day in the Endowm[en]t House we gave Endow[me]nts
to over 40 persons. I sealed 10 couple & D. H. Wells sealed 17 couple
~ Sunday
30 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day. President Wells & Kimball spoke in
the morning & President Young Preached in the afternoon and He delivered unto the people one of the most interesting Beneficial
doctrinal sermons that was ever delivered unto the House of
Israel. He revealed the principles of the Judgment. He said that
God would Judge the world but How would He Judge the world He would
not sit in Judgment upon Each individual case. But the Lord would
preside over all his Prophets and Apostles of Evry generation and
He sent them forth with a dispensation of the gospel to the children of
men in various ages of the world, those who recieved their testimony
and abided by their council would have no sins to pay for after
death, but the wicked would be Judged after death, it is said that
Christ will Judge the world But He chose 12 Apostles also 70 & many
others as Helps. it is said that the 12 Apostles would sit upon Twelve
March 23rd 1862
Prayer Arza Hinkley was mouth. I attended meeting at the tabernacle all day. Wm Willes and W. W. Phelps Preached in the forenoon
& President Young spoke in the afternoon. I met with John TaylorG. A. Smith & F. D. Richards for Prayer. W. Woodruff opened by
Prayer & G. A. Smith was mouth. I Preached at the 14 ward in
the Evening and had a good meeting
~ Monday
24 A Plesant morning I received 2 letters from J. M. Bernhisel &
[FIGURE] one package of 5 tea plants. 2 I put in pots, one in my
Garden one I gave to Presidents Youngs gardner, & one to G
D. Watt. I received one letterfromBarton.
~ Tuesday
25 I spent the day in the office compiling History
~ Wednesday
26 We read to President Young the History and statistices of Utah
in answer to Bancrofts Letter. I put in a Bed of Hoocker, Hovey
seedling, & Peabody strawburies.
~ Thursday
27 I bought of T. Elebeck $20 dollars worth of strawburies, gooseburies & Blackburies and I put in a large bed of Wilsons Albany
and Vicount Harrecart D Thurry, & scarlet Magnet
~ Friday
28. We have had a vary dry time for a week untill this morning
it commenced to rain & snow. I spent the day in the office
~ Saturday
29 I spent most of the day in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to over 40 persons. I sealed 10 couple & D. H. Wells sealed 17 couple
~ Sunday
30 Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning and attended
meeting in the Tabernacle all day. President Wells & Kimball spoke in
the morning & President Young Preached in the afternoon and He
[FIGURE] delivered unto the people one of the most interesting Beneficial
doctrinal sermons that was ever delivered unto the House of
Israel. He revealed the principles of the Judgment. He said that
God would Judge the world but How would He Judge the world He would
not sit in Judgment upon Each individual case. But the Lord would
preside over all his Prophets and Apostles of Evry generation and
He sent them forth with a dispensation of the gospel to the children of
men in various ages of the world, those who recieved their testimony
and abided by their council would have no sins to pay for after
death, but the wicked would be Judged after death, it is said that
Christ will Judge the world But He chose 12 Apostles also 70 & many
others as Helps. it is said that the 12 Apostles would sit upon Twelve
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," March 23, 1862 - March 30, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 17, 2025,