Thrones & Judge the Twelve tribes of Israel but they will not
Judge all individual cases. Joseph Smith will preside over this dispen-
sation and Judge but He has chosen 12 Apostles 70ties & we have High
Priest, High Council, and Bishops to Jud[g]e the people Joseph will not Judge
Each individual neither shall I neither do I want to spend my time
in listening to the sins & nonsens of the People. But all the Saints should
submit to the authority which is over them if a man sins & He is
tryed by his bishop and Judgment passed upon him & the man submits
to that Judgment that is the End of the Law, and this is the fulfilling of
the scripture whare it says that "some mens sins go to Judgment before
while other follow after" [1 Timothy 5:24] if the Saints sin and they are tried, Judged
condemned, & the Saints submit to that Judgm[en]t they will never be Judged
afterwards. this power is given into the Hands of the Apostles or
those who hold the keys of the pristhood that "whosoever sins ye remit
are [remitted] & whosoever sins ye retain are retained and whatsoever ye
bind on Earth is bound in Heaven" [Doctrine and Covenants 132:46] I do not Expet that there
will be much time spent after death in Judging the Saints but the
wicked will have to be Judged. If I was to say that the sins
of this Church should be remitted & forgiven it would be done
but I dont want to say that for we have got to mayny poor
curses among us who will commit sin and I want them to
pay for there sins many other interiesting remarks were made
by President Young. I met with John Taylor & F. D. Richards
for Prayer John Taylor Prayer, F. D. Richards was mouth. I attended
meeting at the 14 ward in the Evening J. W. Cummings spoke followed by
by G. D. Watt
~ Monday
31 A cold windey stormy day snow, Hail, & rain, cloudy & sunshine
I spent most of the day at home choreing I spent several hours in
the office Journalizing
~ Tuesday
April 1st April fool day even the telegraphs, Printing office, as
well as the children in the streets are trying to April fool the people
I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
2nd I called at the presidentsoffice several times to see him
about Building a sheep carall at a spring near Coones Canyon
I had sent my pools [poles] there to make a carroll & Levi Riter
opposed me in [it] & said his claime covered that spring but He
Thrones & Judge the Twelve tribes of Israel but they will not
Judge all individual cases. Joseph Smith will preside over this dispensation and Judge but He has chosen 12 Apostles 70ties & we have High
Priest, High Council, and Bishops to Judge the people Joseph will not Judge
Each individual neither shall I neither do I want to spend my time
in listening to the sins & nonsens of the People. But all the saints should
submit to the authority which is over them if a man sins & He is
tryed by his bishop and Judgment passed upon him & the man submits
to that Judgment that is the End of the Law. and this is the fulfilling of
the scripture whare it says that "some mens sins go to Judgment before
while other follow after" if the saints sin and they are tried, Judged
condemned, & the saints submit to that Judgment they will never be Judged
afterwards. this power is given into the Hands of the Apostles or
those who hold the keys of the pristhood that "whosoever sins ye remit
are remitted & whosoever sins ye retain are retained and whatsoever ye
bind on Earth is bound in Heaven." I do not Expet that there
will be much time spent after death in Judging the saints but the
wicked will have to be Judged. If I was to say that the sins
of this Church should be remitted & forgiven it would be done
but I dont want to say that for we have got to many poor
curses among us who will commit sin and I want them to
pay for there sins many other interesting remarks were made
by President Young. I met with John Taylor & F. D. Richards
for Prayer John Taylor Prayer, F. D. Richards was mouth. I attended
meeting at the 14 ward in the Evening J. W. Cummings spoke followed by
by G. D. Watt
~ Monday
31 A cold windey stormy day snow, Hail, & rain, cloudy & sunshine
I spent most of the day at home choreing I spent several hours in
the office Journalizing
~ Tuesday
April 1st April fool day even the telegraphs, Printing office, as
well as the children in the streets are trying to April fool the people
I spent the day in the office
~ Wednesday
2nd I called at the presidents office several times to see him
about Building a sheep carall at a spring near Coones Canyon
I had sent my poles there to make a carroll & Levi Riter
opposed me in it & said his claime covered that spring but He
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," March 30, 1862 - April 2, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 17, 2025,