At the close of the meeting The Presidency & Twelve met the missionaries at
the Historian office. several were Blessed among the Number was O Pratt Erastus SnowG. Q. Cannon, & Wm H Hooper, after which we repaired to
the prayer room, whare we had a vary interesting meeting. The
subjet of Orson Pratt came up again concerning his fals doctrin
President Kimball wished him to make satisfaction to President Young
But President Young said he did not wish him to make any acknowled-
ments to him Brother Pratt was strangely constitueted he had acquired
a good deal of knowledge upon many things but in other things he was
one of the most ignorant men he ever saw in his life He was full of integ-
rity & would lie down & have his head cut off for me or his religin
if necessary but he will never see his Error untill he goes into the spirit world then he will say Brother Brigham how foolish I was
Now Brother Pratt thinks that he and all the gGods will be learning
for many millions of years but by & by will know all things & all
will know it alike & that will be the End of their Exhaltations & knowledge
he cannot see the folly of forming this opinion here in the flesh
& in his ignorance. But a thousand years hence he will see the folly
of it I will hold on to Brother Pratt & all these my Brethren of
the Twelve (notwithstanding all their sins, folley, & weaknesses) untill I
met with them in my Fathers kingdom, to part no more because
they love God and are full of integrity. Brother Pratt said I do not
believe as Brother Brigham & Brother Kimball do in some points of doctrin
& they do not wish me to acknowled to a thing that I do not believe
Brother Brigham said No you cannot see the truth in this matter untill
you get into the spirit world. Brother Brigham spake vary comforting
words to the 12 He said his love for them was far above women & I wish
you could all say it Brother Wells Prayed & John Taylor was mouth
W Woodruff was appointed a missionarycommittee to fit out the missionaries
23 1860
I accompanied the corps to the grave after the corps was buried President
Young returned thanks to the friends for there attendance & said I hope
we may all live so that we can meet her in the morning of the first
resurrection. I attended meeting at the stand at 2 oclok & Wm C.
Stanes spoke & was followed By J. D. T. McCalasterWm MartindaleJ. L. SmithA Calkings followed By B Young & H C. Kimball, both of
which spoke much to the Edifycation of the people
At the close of the meeting The Presidency & Twelve met the missionaries at
the Historian office. several were Blessed among the Number was O PrattErastus SnowG Q Cannon, & Wm H Hooper, after which we repaired to
the prayer room, whare we had a vary interesting meeting. The
subject of Orson Pratt came up again concerning his fals doctrin
President Kimball wished him to make satisfaction to President Young
But President Young said he did not wish him to make any acknowledments to him Brother Pratt was strangely constituted he had acquired
a good deal of knowledge upon many things but in other things he was
one of the most ignorant men he ever saw in his life He was full of integrity & would lie down & have his head cut off for me or his religin
if necessary but he will never see his Error untill he goes into the
spirit world then he will say Brother Brigham how foolish I was
Now Brother Pratt thinks that he and all theGods will be learning
for many millions of years but by & by will know all things & all
will know it alike & that will be the End of their Exhaltations & knowledge
he cannot see the folly of forming this opinion here in the flesh
& in his ignorance. But a thousand years hence he will see the folly
of it I will hold on to Brother Pratt & all these my Brethren of
the Twelve (notwithstanding all their sins, folley, & weaknesses) untill I
met with them in my Fathers kingdom, to part no more because
they love God and are full of integrity. Brother Pratt said I do not
believe as Brother Brigham & Brother Kimball do in some points of doctrin
& they do not wish me to acknowled to a thing that I do not believe
Brother Brigham said No you cannot see the truth in this matter untill
you get into the spirit world. Brother Brigham spake vary comforting
words to the 12 He said his love for them was far above women & I wish
you could all say it. Brother Wells Prayed & John Taylor was mouth
W Woodruff was appointed acommittee to fit out the missionaries
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," September 23, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,