"But say you, what will become of the world
or the various professors of religion who do not beleive
in revelation and the oracles of God as continued to His
Church in all ages of the world when He has had
a people upon the earth? [Joseph Smith—History 1: fourth paragraph following verse 75]
" tell you in the name of Jesus
Christ they will be damned and when you get into
the eternal world you will find it to be so. They
cannot escape the damnation of hell."
The Baptism of
As touching the Gospel and Baptism of ^which^ John
preached I would say John came preaching the
Gospel for the remission of sins. He had his
authority from God and the ^His^ oracles of God were
with him and the Kingdom for a season seemed
to rest with John alone.
The Lord promised
that he should have a son and Zechariah was
a descendant of . And the Lord had
promised that the Priesthood should continue with
Aaron and his seed throughout their generations
"'Let no man take this honour
upon himself except he be called of God as was
Aaron' and Aaron received his call by revelation"
An angel of God also appeared unto
Zachariah while in the and said that
he should have a son whose name should be
John and be should be gifted with the Holy Ghost" [Luke 1:13-15]
Zachariah was a Priest of the Lord
and officiated in the Temple and John was a Priest
after the order of his father and held the Keys of
the Aaronic Priesthood and was called of God to
preach the Gospel of His ^and the^ Kingdom ^of God^. The
Jews as a nation having departed from the
Laws ^of God^ and the Gospel the Lord prepared the way
for transfering it to the Gentiles
"But say you, what will become of the world
or the various professors of religion who do not beleive
in revelation and the oracles of God as continued to His
Church in all ages of the world when He has had
a people upon the earth?
"I tell you in the name of Jesus
Christ they will be damned and when you get into
the eternal world you will find it to be so. They
cannot escape the damnation of hell."
The Baptism of
As touching the Gospel and Baptism which John
preached I would say John came preaching the
Gospel for the remission of sins. He had his
authority from God and His oracles were
with him and the Kingdom for a season seemed
to rest with John alone.
The Lord promised
that he should have a son and Zechariah was
a descendant of Aaron. And the Lord had
promised that the Priesthood should continue with
and his seed throughout their generations.
"'Let no man take this honour
upon himself except he be called of God as was
Aaron' and Aaron received his call by revelation"
An angel of God also appeared unto
Zachariah while in the Temple and said that
he should have a son whose name should be
John and be should be gifted with the Holy Ghost"
Zachariah was a Priest of the Lord
and officiated in the Temple and John was a Priest
after the order of his father and held the Keys of
the Aaronic Priesthood and was called to
preach the Gospel and the Kingdom of God. The
Jews as a nation having departed from the
Laws of God and the Gospel the Lord prepared the way
for transfering it to the Gentiles