Thy Husband shall be a man of wisdom
knowledge and understanding. Let thy heart be comforted
and have faith in God and his word.
Thou shalt labor in the Temple of the
Lord thy God. Thou shalt teach thy companions
the ways of righteousness.
Thou shalt have many temporal
blessing^s^. Riches shall flow in unto thee and thou shalt
rejoice rather than complain.
Thou must put thy whole trust in
God. Thou art of the blood of Ephraim. ^Thou shall have
a celestial crown.^
Thou shalt have a Residence in Zion
and do a great work there. Thou shalt sew the vaeil of the Temple and rejoice in the work of thy
If thou wilt keep the commandments
thou shalt have all of thy friends. They shall
be members of the covenant.
I seal all of these blessings on thy
head in the name of Jesus. I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life. Amen and Amen.
Mrs Woodruff with myself removed
our boarding place to Elder W. Parrish's and on the
of the same month we commenced boarding with
Elder Jonathan H. Hale
Sunday the I repared to the House
of the Lord to worship with the congregation of the
Saints. The spirit of murmering and rebellion
of which I have already spoken in a former page
had not slept but had been brewing in the family
circle in the secret chamber and in the street until
many and some in high places had risen up
against Joseph who^m^ God raised up to lead Israel
and they were striving to overthrow his influence and
cast him down. This grieved the spirit of the
Prophet to find such perils among false brethren
They shall be an ornament to the Church of Christ
Thy Husband shall be a man of wisdom
knowledge and understanding. Let thy heart be comforted
and have faith in God and his word.
Thou shalt labor in the Temple of the
Lord thy God. Thou shalt teach thy companions
the ways of righteousness.
Thou shalt have many temporal
blessings. Riches shall flow in unto thee and thou shalt
rejoice rather than complain.
Thou must put thy whole trust in
God. Thou art of the blood of Ephraim. Thou shall have
a celestial crown.
Thou shalt have a Residence in Zion
and do a great work there. Thou shalt sew the
veil of the Temple and rejoice in the work of thy
If thou wilt keep the commandments
thou shalt have all of thy friends. They shall
be members of the covenant.
I seal all of these blessings on thy
head in the name of Jesus. I seal thee up unto
Eternal Life. Amen and Amen.
Mrs Woodruff with myself removed
our boarding place to Elder W. Parrish's and on the
of the same month we commenced boarding with
Elder Jonathan H. Hale
Sunday the I repared to the House
of the Lord to worship with the congregation of the
Saints. The spirit of murmering and rebellion
of which I have already spoken in a former page
had not slept but had been brewing in the family
circle in the secret chamber and in the street until
many and some in high places had risen up
against Joseph whom God raised up to lead Israel
and they were striving to overthrow his influence and
cast him down. This grieved the spirit of the
Prophet to find such perils among false brethren