6. I attended the school of the prophets was on a committee
on Friday to sell Utah Central Rail Road Bonds, the
subject was spoken off in the school. I attended a Meeting
also on Friday 5, Aug of the 14 ward Cooperation Store
~ Sunday
7. Sunday In company with R. T. Burton I rode to
Mill Creek ward & Big Cottonwood wards to hold Meeting
At Mill Creek ward we got $1900 subscribed on the
Utah Central Bonds At Big Cotton wood we got
$284 subscribed & more promised I spoke at Mill
Creek followed atby Brother Burton. He spoke at Cottonwood
I followed him & returned to the city we administered to
a sick child of Brother Burton I much admired Bishop Millers Fish Pond & Bee stand I wrote 2 letters to Mitchel, sent $2 & one letter & $1 to King. 20 Miles
~ Monday to ~ Friday
8 to 12. I spent the time cleaning out the stock yard
& stacking wheat. Wilford had come up from St Thomas
& was helping me
~ Saturday
13 I attended the school of the Prophets stoped but a
short time to hear the Debate Between Professor Orson Pratt & Dr Newman the Chaplain of the
U. S. Senate, upon the subject of Poligamy the discussion
was held one day before. Brother Pratt spoke one hour
& Dr Newman one hour.
6. I attended the school of the prophets was on a committee
on Friday to sell Utah Central Rail Road Bonds, the
subject was spoken off in the school. I attended a Meeting
also on Friday 5, Aug of the 14 ward Cooperation Store
~ Sunday
7. Sunday In company with R. T. Burton I rode to
Mill Creek ward & Big Cottonwood wards to hold Meeting
At Mill Creek ward we got $1900 subscribed on the
Utah Central Bonds At Big Cotton wood we got
$284 subscribed & more promised I spoke at Mill
Creek followedby Brothe Burton. He spoke at Cottonwood
I followed him & returned to the City we administered to
a sick child of Brother Burton I much admired Bishop
Millers Fish Pond & Bee stand I wrote 2 letters to
Mitchel, sent $2 & one letter & $1 to King. 20 Miles
~ Monday to ~ Friday
8 to 12. I spent the time cleaning out the stock yard
& stacking wheat. Wilford had come up from St Thomas
& was helping me
~ Saturday
13 [FIGURE] I attended the school of the Prophets stoped but a
short time to hear the Debate Between Professor
Orson Pratt & Dr. Newman the Chaplain of the
U. S. Senate, upon the subject of Poligamy the discussion
was held one day before. Brother Pratt spoke one hour
& Dr Newman one hour.
"Journal (October 22, 1865 – December 31, 1872)," July 25, 1870 - August 14, 1870, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pYgp