[page covered] [o]f any one of the quorum of the Twelve to show them their error
& teach them what was right, & should the majority of those coun-
cils get corrupt & try to lead asstray the people it would then be the
duty of any one of the Twelve to disannul those councils & call upon
the people to sustain him & Appoint a new one but while the councils
are trying to do right it would be the duty of the Twelve who might be
with them to assist them in carrying out those views that the majority
of the Twelve had esstablished. The quorum of the Twelve all
decided that Br Pratt had committed an error in not carrying out the
organization as esstablished by the Twelve Br Pratt at first had
A hard spirit afterwords repented & confessed his fault & the Power
of God rested upon President Young & the whole quorum, President
Young said that He felt Eternity upon him & was weighed down to the
earth with this work & that Br Kimble felt the weight of it more
than any other man except himself each one of the quorum exp
ressed their feelings upon the subject & we all had a good time
Br Young said He should chastize Br Parley or any one of the
quorum as much as he pleased when they were out of the wasy &
they could not help themselves but He done it for their good
& ownly done it when constrained to do it by the power of God
Br. H. C. Kimball Addressed by Young & wished him to rest as much
as possible & let his brethren bear his burthens He said He wanted Br
Brigham to save himself for He was waring down. I feel tender toward you
& want you to live, & If I or my Brethren do wrong tell us of it
& we will repent. Br Brigham said there was not a better set
of men on the earth than the BTwelve & He intended to chastize
them when they need it that they might be saved & love him & stick
by him. we all felt it good to be there for the Lord was with us
~ Sunday
5th We travled to day to the springs Here to our Joy we met
with three fifties, Br A. O. Smoot, Hundred, And Robinson
fifty of Gen Rich company I here met with Father Woodruff &
the company Br Smoot & many from our ward which I was truly
glad to see After Having confversation with then & getting supper
we held A meeting of all the camps G. A. Smith W. Woodruff &
& O Pratt Addressed them the President then called for
A vote to tarry tomorrow & Addresse them I spent the night
untill 2 oclok with Br & Sister Smoot enquiring into affairs of the camp
business matters &c distance of the day 26th miles
~ Monday
6th Several Horses & mules gone this morning Horsman gone after
them I opened my Bevin chest & library & found every thing
right we held A council with the officers in the morning it
was A vary cold day. In the Afternoon the Twelve met in coun
cil being eight of us And A. O. Smoot related to the quorum the
circumstances of John Taylor taking from John Benbow over
$300 for his sister & Br Taylors opinion was there could be no appeal
in the case to any other Authority. The council voted that John
Benbow have A rehearing before the quorum of the Twelve if He
wished it. Also voted that the High Council in the salt lake city take
charge of the property on its Arival there which was taken from
John Benbow, resolved also that there could be an appeal from
there decision to the majority of the quorum of the Twelve. I spent
the evening At Dr Richards office with the Twelve H& Herd the Epistle
read, that was for the Saints in the great Bason. I spent a part of the
night with Br Smoot at his waggon writing & reading letters, councilling
page torn of any one of the quorum of the Twelve to show them their error
& teach them what was right, & should the majority of those councils get corrupt & try to lead asstray the people it would then be the
duty of any one of the Twelve to disannul those councils & call upon
the people to sustain him & appoint a new one but while the Councils
are trying to do right it would be the duty of the Twelve who might be
with them to assist them in carrying out those views that the majority
of the Twelve had esstablished. The quorum of the Twelve all
decided that Br Pratt had committed an error in not carrying out the
organization as esstablished by the Twelve Br Pratt at first had
a hard spirit afterwords repented & confessed his fault & the Power
of God rested upon President Young & the whole quorum, President
Young said that he felt Eternity upon him & was weighed down to the
earth with this work & that Br Kimble felt the weight of it more
than any other man except himself each one of the quorum exp
ressed their feelings upon the subject & we all had a good time
Br Young said he should chastize Br Parley or any one of the
quorum as much as he pleased when they were out of the way &
they could not help themselves but he done it for their good
& ownly done it when constrained to do it by the power of God
Br. H. C. Kimball addressed by br Young & wished him to rest as much
as possible & let his brethren bear his burthens He said he wanted Br
Brigham to save himself for he was waring down. I feel tender toward you
& want you to live, & If I or my Brethren do wrong tell us of it
& we will repent. Br Brigham said there was not a better set
of men on the earth than the Twelve & he intended to chastize
them when they need it that they might be saved & love him & stick
by him. we all felt good to be there for the Lord was with us
~ Sunday
5th We travled to day to the springs. Here to our joy we met
with three fifties, Br A. O. Smoot hundred, and Robinson
fifty of Gen Rich company I here met with Father Woodruff &
the Company Br Smoot & many from our ward which I was truly
glad to see. After having conversation with then & getting supper
we held a meeting of all the camps G. A. Smith W. Woodruff &
& O Pratt addressed them the President then called for
a vote to tarry tomorrow & addresse them I spent the night
untill 2 oclok with Br & Sister Smoot enquiring into affairs of the Camp
business matters &c. distance of the day 26th miles
~ Monday
6th Several horses & mules gone this morning Horsman gone after
them I opened my Bevin Chest & library & found every thing
right we held a council with the officers in the morning it
was a vary cold day. In the afternoon the Twelve met in council being eight of us and A O Smoot related to the quorum the
circumstances of John Taylor taking from John Benbow over
$300 for his sister & Br Taylors opinion was there could be no appeal
in the case to any other Authority. The Council voted that John
Benbow have a rehearing before the quorum of the Twelve if he
wished it. Also voted that the High Council in the salt lake city take
charge of the property on its arival there which was taken from
John Benbow, resolved also that there could be an appeal from
there decision to the majority of the quorum of the Twelve. I spent
the evening at Dr Richards office with the Twelve& herd the Epistle
read, that was for the Saints in the great Bason. I spent a part of the
night with Br Smoot at his waggon writing & reading letters, councilling
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," September 4, 1847 - September 6, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/o2WX