Met at 2 oclok Prayer By E. H. Anderson several Questions
were asked and Answered By W Woodruff who spoke 20 M
Junius F Wells spoke 33 M, W Woodruff 10 M F Cowley 15 M
I met in the Evening at 7 oclock. G Teasdale Prayed The Treasurer
report was then read And the officers of the institution were
then presented & sustained Moses Thatcher then Delivered
a lecture upon Infidelity & Christianity spoke 40 M W Woodruff
spoke 10 M. We had a vary interesting conference with the young people
~ Tuesday
Aprail 10 1883 We received word By telegraph
that Our Brother Ilus F Carter was Building a large Brick
Building on the North west cornor of Church & State Street
had the roof on and Mr Carter was standing on the roof and
it fell this morning at 7:10 to the Earth with a crash. One
wall had been Erected during the winter and it was supposed
the Mortar was Frozen and the warm weather loosend the
Brick there were seventeen Men in the Building one killed
several Mortally wounded three in the Basement supp[os]ed kille[d] Mr Carter Badly wounded
Met at 2 oclok Prayer By E. H. Anderson several Questions
were asked and Answered By W Woodruff who spoke 20 Minutes
Junius F Wells spoke 33 Minutes, W Woodruff 10 M F Cowley 15 Minutes
I met in the Evening at 7 oclock. G Teasdale Prayed The Treasurer
report was then read And the officers of the institution were
then presented & sustained Moses Thatcher then Delivered
a lecture upon Infidelity & Christianity spoke 40 Minutes W Woodruff
spoke 10 Minutes. We had a vary interesting conference with the young people
~ Tuesday
Aprail 10 1883 FIGURES We received word By telegraph
that our Brother Ilus F Carter was Building a large Brick
Building on the North west corner of Church & State Street
had the roof on and Mr Carter was standing on the roof and
it fell this morning at 7:10 to the Earth with a crash. one
wall had been Erected during the winter and it was supposed
the Mortar was Frozen and the warm weather loosend the
Brick there were seventeen Men in the Building one killed
several Mortally wounded three in the Basement supposed killed Mr Carter Badly wounded
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 9, 1883 - April 10, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,