22 I received card from Sarah I attended a party at the Gardo House there were present about 100 person
including the Presidency and Twelve Bishop Hunter and
council and Presidents of stakes The Meeting was for
the purpose of Dedicating the Gordo House unto the Lord Franklin D Richards offered the Dedication prayer
we had a very plesant time
~ Friday
23 I receivd 1 Letter from Br Bromwell & wrote
him a letter
20 [FIGURE] I attended the funeral of John Vancott. W Woodruff
prayed Joseph F Smith spoke 20 Minutes, W Woodruff 15 Minutes
President Taylor 30 Minutes. I went to the cemetry
~ Wednesday
21 I spent the forenoon writing I attended the council
[FIGURE] I wrote 6 Letters to E Snow, L Harris, Arza HinkleyA F McDonald & Merryman & Ashot two Mohave
Chiefs I also wrote to McAllister I received 3 Letters
[FIGURE] from A. Hinkley L Harris & Merriman & Ashot
see copy Book [FIGURE] I attended A meeting 21 ward W W spok 30 Minutes J F S 60 minutes
~ Thursday
22 [FIGURE] I received card from Sarah I attended a party at
FIGURES the Gardo House there were present about 100 person
including the Presidency and Twelve Bishop Hunter and
council and Presidents of stakes. The Meeting was for
the purpose of Dedicating the Gordo House unto the Lord
Franklin D Richards offered the Dedication Prayer
we had a vary plesant time
~ Friday
23 FIGURES I receivd 1 Letter from Br Bromwell & wrote
him a letter
~ Saturday
24 [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Brs McAllister & Bleak I
spent the day at writing I set apart 1 Missionary for the South
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters for Sarah & Newton I went to the farm 6 miles
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," February 19, 1883 - February 25, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 12, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/36mR