Dec 12 1883 I went to the Temple & rowrote a letter to President Taylor. We attended to Endowments to day Emma
Woodruff was Baptized for the renewal of her cov-
enants. Emma Woodruff got Endowments to day
for her Grand Mother Smith and we were sealed
for 46 couple of my dead Relatives We had 66 End-
owments and 25 ordinations. E Snow read a vision
of Jacob Gates
~ Thursday
13 I labored in the Temple to day I officiated as Ell
we gave Endowments to 73, ordained 33 sealed
29, sealed Children to Parents 9, Adoptions 25
2 Anointings 10. W Woodruff sealed 15 couple Dead
and had 25 persons Adopted to him 1 Living & 24 dead. Emma was Anointed to W Woodruff & W Woodruff for her
Father Samuel Smith and He was Adopted to W Woodruff
I laid hands upon Br McAllister for sickness I attended
the Young Mens & young Ladies MutualJG Teasdale
& W Woodruff spoke to the young People I spent the night
at Brother Farnsworth
~ Friday
14 I wrote 4 letters to L John NuttallJaques & Sarah Twenty men (20) got Endowments to day for my dead
I dined with Brother Wm Carter Went to the Relief
Society Conference herd 12 reports of the Presidents
of the various societies including Emma Woodruff
report W Woodruff then spoke followed by G Teasdale E Snow and McAllister I then Met with the High
Priests Quorum Minuts Read then Elders Teasdale Lyman & Woodruff Addressed the Meeting
~ Wednesday
Dec 12 1883
FIGURES I went to the Temple &wrote a letter to President
Taylor. We attended to Endowments to day Emma
Woodruff was Baptized for the renewal of her covenants. Emma Woodruff got Endowments to day
for her Grand Mother Smith and we were sealed
for 46 couple of my dead Relatives We had 66 Endowments and 25 ordinations. E Snow read a vision
of Jacob Gates
~ Thursday
13 [FIGURE] I labored in the Temple to day I officiated as Ell
we gave Endowments to 73, ordained 33 sealed
29, sealed Children to Parents 9, Adoptions 25
2 Anointings 10. W Woodruff sealed 15 couple Dead
and had 25 persons Adopted to him 1 Living & 24 dead.
Emma was Anointed to W Woodruff & W Woodruff for her
Father Samuel Smith and He was Adopted to W Woodruff
I laid hands upon Br McAllister for sickness I attended
the Young Mens & young Ladies Mutual G Teasdale
& W Woodruff spoke to the young People I spent the night
at Brother Farnsworth
~ Friday
14 [FIGURE] I wrote 4 letters to L John NuttallJaques & SarahTwenty men (20) got Endowments to day for my dead
I dined with Brother Wm Carter Went to the Relief
Society Conference herd 12 reports of the Presidents
of the various societies including Emma Woodruff
report W Woodruff then spoke followed by G TeasdaleE Snow and McAllister I then Met with the High
Priests Quorum Minuts Read then Elders Teasdale
Lyman & Woodruff Addressed the Meeting
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," December 12, 1883 - December 14, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,