16th A plesent day I wrote in my journal &
talked with mother she done me up Babary
& dandalions to take to Phebe, & she gave me
three pair of stockings & four balls of yarn for
Phebe & one pair for the two Wilfords each
In the afternoon Arthur Milliken & Lucy
called upon us the first time they had been
to Father Carters. Luther Scammans & his
Brother also came we had a good time together
Lucy talked with Mother about Phebe, she
gave me a letter to take to her Mother & wished
me to call, & see her as soon as I get home
It seemed a great consolation to Lucy to
see one from Nauvoo. I parted with them
all abot sundown. I have just herd of the
death of Elleezene Patterson who died today
left a child one week old Also Capt Mark Lovett,
Major Josiah Libby wife cut her throat today
I believe she is not dead. Capt Benjamin Milliken
& his wife is dead so times go in Maine, all
societies are nearly Broaken up, in this region
As concerning Ezras family He looks feeble
& grows old his wife is well Ann Elizabeth is
well & sends her love to willy. I spent the eve-
ning conversing with Fabyan & Rhoda & Mother
about Mormonism the principles of it the gather[in]g
&c they seem to understand it putty well
Mother says if we follow the good spirit of the
Blessed Jesus we will do well. The two Scam-
mans & Fabyan are Saints in Principle Arthur
thinks it would be a good time to build up a
church here. we had prayers together, spoke
abot Phebe's sicknes on the road several years
since her recovery &c I took my light & went
to bed, fearing I should not see Father. But
Just as I was about to Blow the light out I herd
a waggon drive up I jumped out of Bed &
dressed me & went down & shure enough there
was father as natural as life I dont think that
that he looks any older that when I saw him
last he was well in good health I sat up & talked
with him untill 11 oclok about a good many
things & then went to bed & had a good night
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