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Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1846

Journal Entry

March 07, 1846 ~ Saturday

7th [FIGURE] I wrote to M Holmes & L Hardy
to Br Neff & Aphek Woodruff I
finished my letters to Nauvoo to P. W. W
Webster Phelps &c & forwarded them
by Elder Stratton I sent other letters
by him I spent the Day with Br Lawson
29 Renwick Street I was informed
the Twelve had left Nauvoo with many
other saints I called upon Ilus F Carter
24 second street out of the Bowery I
found him well I spent about 2 Hours
with him Returned to Br Emms & spent
the night distance 8 miles
I got our trunks through the custom
House & left them with Br Emms whare
I am to leave my things on my arival
in the city from the east


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal.

Woodruff, Aphek, b. 1779
11 Nov 1779 - 28 May 1861
540 mentions
Webster, Dwight
13 Apr 1814 - 19 Aug 1868
126 mentions
Carter, Ilus Fabyan
8 Nov 1816 - 11 Dec 1888
392 mentions
18 mentions
Stratton, Joseph Albert
11 Sep 1821 - 28 Oct 1850
71 mentions
2 mentions
Hardy, Leonard Wilford
31 Dec 1805 - 31 Jul 1884
222 mentions
217 mentions
Woodruff, Phebe Whittemore Carter
8 Mar 1807 - 10 Nov 1885
1544 mentions
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872
161 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

On final day of work in temple, 600 received ordinances; total of 5,615 received endowments in Nauvoo.
Times and Seasons stops serial publication of the Manuscript History of the Church (history ends with events on August 11, 1834).

Mar 7, 1846