13th Sunday A vary warm day the camp met for prayer
meeting At 9 oclok. O. P. Rockwell, Brown, And another
man were out all night Hunting. One of the men of the camp
started out at dark to go to the mountain to get some snow
the distance looked so short he said He could go & return before 8 oclok
& was foolish enough to make A bet of one dollar upon it, but he did not
get to the mountain by 8 oclok & about 10 oclok A company of Hors-
man was sent out with A bugle after him fearing the bears would
eat him up.
We had A meeting at 10 oclok H. C. Kimball Addressed
the meeting in an interesting manner, & was followed by Br Young
who spoke upon the liberty of the gospel, showed what it done
for us, saved us daily, exhaulted us to glory immortality & eternal
life brought us evry good thing, but in doing this it did not
do away with the law of God or the dictation of the Almighty
Some thought they wanted their liberty to curse, swear, stray
whare they were A mind to, run over the mountains, not regard
the laws & rules of the camp, but would that be liberty, not it
would lead to death & not life, the man that left the camp & went
to the mountains last night, had he have met A bear He would have had
the liberty to have run for his cli life, clumb A tree or been destroyed
The way to worship God the most acceptable is to do each day the
vary things that will bring the most good to the human family
there is A great differance to be seen between us As A camp & the
Missouri companies that Are going the same road or A part of the way
they curse & swear, rip & tare, & are a trying to swallow up the earth, but
though they do not wish us to have A place on earth the earth will soon
swallow them up & they will go to the land of forgetfulness, while the
Saints if faithful though they should suffer some privations here will
ultimately inherit the earth & increase in dominion power & glory untill
the Lord shall say to them, go to now make your thousands of worlds
& people them & make such laws to govern them as you are a mind
to for I Know you have no disposition to make any laws but those
that are good, for you always desired to do good on the earth, &
many other goodly words did He say unto our edefycation. He was
followed by O Pratt who exhorted us to give head to the teaching
we had herd & to improve our time in treasuring up usful knowledge
that we ought not to spend A moments time needlessly. Meeting
dismissed And the Twelve, colonels, captains, &c of the camp
met at the Presidents waggon to consult upon what measures
to adopt to get across the river it was finally agreed to go immedi-
ately to the mountains with a waggon & team for evry two tens
& get poolls & lash two or four waggons abrest to keep them
from turning over & float them across the river with boats &
ropes, so A company of Horsmen started for the mountains & teams
draw the polls. In the evening the flour meal & bacon was
[d]istributed through the camp equally that had been recieved
[fr]om the Mo company for ferrying them over, it amounted to
[page covered] 1/2 lbs of flour 2 lbs of meal & A small peace of Bacon to each
[in]dividual in the camp. It looked as much of A miricle to me
to see our flour & meal bags replenished in the midst of the black
Hills as it did to have the children of Israel fed with manna
in the wilderness [Exodus 16:11-15]. But the Lord has truly been with us on this
Journey we have had peace & union in our midst, our Horses & cattle
have been wonderfully preserved from death & Accident on the
way & our waggons from Breaking down. Great good will grow out
of this mission if we are faithful in keeping the commandments of God
I have taken great delight of late in reading the book of Mormon seeing
the great & glorious things revealed & recorded in that book & that we are
now trying to fulfill the great things or some of them that Lehi Nephi
Alma, Moroni, Isaiah And many other prophets had in view in the last
days in building up Zion, redeeming Israel, warning the Nations &
sealing salvation upon the meek of the earth & laying A foundation
that the earth may be prepared for the coming of the Mesiah.
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Br Young who spoke upon the liberty of the gospel, showed what it done for us, saved us daily, exhaulted us to glory immortality & eternal life brought us evry good thing, but in doing this it did not do away with the law of God or the dictation of the Almighty Some thought they wanted their liberty to curse, swear, stray whare they were a mind to, run over the mountains, not regard the laws & rules of the Camp, but would that be liberty, not it would lead to death & not life, the man that left the camp & went to the mountains last night, had he have met a bear he would have had the liberty to have run for his cli life, clumb a tree or been destroyed The way to worship God the most acceptable is to do each day the vary things that will bring the most good to the human family
Saints if faithful though they should suffer some privations here will ultimately inherit the earth & increase in dominion power & glory untill the Lord shall say to them, go to now make your thousands of worlds & people them & make such laws to govern them as you are a mind to for I Know you have no disposition to make any laws but those that are good, for you always desired to do good on the earth
O Pratt who exhorted us to give head to the teaching we had herd & to improve our time in treasuring up usful knowledge that we ought not to spend a moments time needlessly.
to see our flour & meal bags replenished in the midst of the black Hills as it did to have the children of Israel fed with manna in the wilderness [Exodus 16:11-15]. But the Lord has truly been with us on this Journey we have had peace & union in our midst, our Horses & cattle have been wonderfully preserved from death & Accident on the way & our waggons from Breaking down. Great good will grow out of this mission if we are faithful in keeping the commandments of God
I have taken great delight of late in reading the book of Mormon seeing the great & glorious things revealed & recorded in that book & that we are now trying to fulfill the great things or some of them that Lehi Nephi Alma, Moroni, Isaiah and many other prophets had in view in the last days in building up Zion, redeeming Israel, warning the Nations & sealing salvation upon the meek of the earth & laying a foundation that the earth may be prepared for the coming of the Mesiah.
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