Day in the Life

Aug 5, 1847

Journal Entry

August 05, 1847 ~ Thursday

[page covered] [5th] [FIGURE] As we were under the necessity of returning soon & wanted some
place to unload our goods that we had with us & those that were
coming up we thought it best to go into the mountains & draw out logs &
build us some cabins as the doby houses might not be ready Brs
Young & Kimball had commenced drawing out logs for their build-
ings Br G. A. Smith & myself concluded to join our effortts together
& do what we could, so I took my ax this morning & in company
with G. A. Smith went to the mountain about 6 miles we had sever-
al men with us to assist in choping we found a grove of fir trees
that we thought would answer well we had to make A road to it
& bridges across the creek I some dreaded the job, for it was a
hard one And I do not exercise the prudence that I ought when
I take hold of hard labour but do more than is good for me
I however commenced choping down trees & done much
more work during the day than any other man on the ground
we choped drew out more logs more logs than to build one house
16 foot square & drew home to the fort 25 of them I blisterd
up my hands & was vary weary at night distance of the day 14 m


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3458 mentions
Apostle, Family
Smith, George Albert
26 Jun 1817 - 1 Sep 1875
1437 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1459 mentions


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we considerd this a duty & privlege as we come into a glorious valley to locate & build a temple & build up Zion we felt like renewing our covenant before the Lord and each other. We soon repaired to the water & President Brigham Young went down into the water & baptized all his Brethren the Twelve that were with him by burying them in the water He also confirmed us in the Church & sealed upon us our apostleship & all the keys, powers, & blessings belonging to that office Br Heber C. Kimball baptized & confirmed President Brigham Young the following are the names of those present on this occasion B. Young H. C. Kimball O. Pratt W. Richards W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & A Lyman
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
So on the morning of the I took my axe and in company with brother Smith went to the mountain about six miles distance with several men with us to assist in chopping We found a grove of fir trees that we thought would answer our purpose but we had to make a road and bridges across the creek to it. I dreaded the job for it was a hard one and I do not exercise the prudence I ought when I take hold of hard labour. We choped and drew home to the Fort more than enough to build one house 16 feet square and drew 25 logs home to the Fort. I was weary and my hands blistered for I had done much the most work We started again next day with five teams and 4 teams went also for Dr Richards and in the two days we had cut and drawn 77 logs for our two buildings That morning I had arisen quite sore with the labour of the previous day and on going into the Valley for my horses could not find them and we supposed the Indians had driven them off for they had been in camp during the night so horsemen were sent out to drive in all the horses in the valley and much to our joy we found none had been stolen this Increased our confidence in the Indians around us I had ridden 8 miles without a saddle and was fatigued by it but after we had found our horses I saddled


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Aug 5, 1847