Day in the Life

Sep 15, 1856

Journal Entry

September 15, 1856 ~ Monday

15 A single key with teeth to the left I met with the brethren in the morning in the Historians office I told
them my feelings were to dedicate the office unto the Lord to which
they all agreed so we all knelt down except J. V. Long who wrote
the prayer I was mouth the following was a synopsis of what was spoken
in the dedication prayer there was present Elders Leo Hawkins
Robert L Campbell & J. V. Lond & W. Woodruff
Prayer offered by W Woodruff

O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath
this roof for the purpose of dedicating this Historians Office unto
the Lord our God. We feel this to be our duty as we consider that
this is a blessing unto us, and that we have the privilege of being located
in thes vallies of the mountains that we can worship thee & build Temples
Tabernacles & cities unto thy Holy Name & have none to molest us or make
us afraid: and we realize that we have this blessing from thine hand
O Lord we rejoice in the power of the priesthood which though hast given
unto thy servants in these vallies of the mountains through the power of which
& the mercy of God we are protected & preserved from the wickedness & abomin
ations that are in the world. We thank thee O Lord that the power of the
priesthood & righteousness governs & controlls us & predominates in these vallies
of the Mountains for these things we feel to offer up our prayers with
thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privilege of having an office
built for thy servants to occupy while writing & keeping a History of
thy Church & kingdom upon the Earth in these last days we feel it a privi-
lege to bow before thee & dedicate this house unto the Lord our God even our
Father in heaven & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested in us we do
& in the name of Jesus Christ we do dedicate it & consecrate it unto the
Lord our God & we set it apart that it may contain the Holy records
of the Church & kingdom of God & we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that
it may be sanctified & hHoly unto thy name. And we pray that we may
be inspiried by the gift & power of the Holy Ghost while acting as Historians
or clerks for the Church & may we keep a true & faithful record
& History of thy Church & kingdom & of thy servants and may it be
kept in that way & manner that it may be acceptable unto thee O Lord

and unto they servants the Presidency of thy Church & we dedicate this
House unto the[e] from the Foundation to the top thereof And we pray that
the spirit & power of the Devil may never have Dominion over any man
or power or place in the mind of any man who labours in this room
we pray that thou wilt bless us O Lord with thy holy spirit that we may
never profane they name in this house or dishonour the Holy priesthood
or bring reproach upon thy cause or grieve thy Holy Spirit in any way
& we ask the[e] to bless us & to prosper us in all things & we pray that thou
wilt bring to our rememberance all things which is necessary to the writing
of this history & that papers & documents & all things necessary may be
brought to us to enable to compile a right, usful, & proper History. I
pray the[e] My Father in Heaven that thou wilt bless these my brethren
that are my companions in this office that our hearts may be united
in the bonds of the Holy Priesthood according to the Anointings & Endow-
givingen unto us that we may be one in spirit, in heart, in faith,
works as touching the cause & kingdom in which we are ingaged
& we ask the[e] to bless all things that pertain to this office & we pray
that when thy servants Brigham, Heber, & Jedediah may come to visit
us that they may feel the spirit of God & the spirit of peace resting
upon them & that they may feel at home with us while they are beneath
this roof and may we understand our duties towards them & in all

We pray thee to hear us in all things & to accept of this
dedication & we pray thee to bless our households our wives & children
from this time forth & forever. We pray thee also to bless the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles The Seventies & all the Authorities & Quorums
of thy Church. And bless those of thy servants who are among the Nations
of the Earth & grant that they may be inspired to send tous an account
of there works that we may be enabled to keep a true & faithful
record that when we have gone into the world of spirits that the Saints
of God may be blessed in reading our record which we have kept
we ask the[e] O Lord to grant these our request & every other blessing
which thou seest we kneed. And in the End of our probation may we
be saved in thy kingdom & the glory of our salvation we will ascribe
to God the Father through Christ our Redeemer even so Amen

I spent the day in the office compiling History


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3448 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1457 mentions
Grant, Jedediah Morgan
25 Feb 1816 - 1 Dec 1856
280 mentions
Apostle, Zion's Camp
Hawkins, Leo
19 Jul 1834 - 28 May 1859
Campbell, Robert Lang
21 Jan 1825 - 11 Apr 1874
122 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


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O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath this roof for the purpose of dedicating this Historians Office unto the Lord our God we feel this to be our duty as we consider that this is a blessing unto us, and that we have the privilege of being located in thes vallies of the mountains that we can worship thee & build Temples Tabernacles & Cities unto thy Holy Name & have none to molest us or make us afraid: and we realize that we have this blessing from thine hand O Lord we rejoice in the power of the priesthood which though hast given unto thy servants in these vallies of the mountains through the power of which & the mercy of God we are protected & preserved from the wickedness & abomin ations that are in the world. We thank thee O Lord that the power of the priesthood & righteousness governs & controlls us & predominates in these vallies of the Mountains for these things we feel to offer up our prayers with thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privilege of having an Office built for thy servants to occupy while writing & keeping a History of thy Church & Kingdom upon the Earth in these last days we feel it a privi- lege to bow before thee & dedicate this house unto the Lord our God even our Father in heaven & by virtue of the Holy Priesthood vested in us we do & in the name of Jesus Christ we do dedicate it & Consecrate it unto the Lord our God & we set it apart that it may contain the Holy records of the Church & kingdom of God & we ask in the name of Jesus Christ that it may be sanctified & Holy unto thy name And we pray that we may be inspiried by the gift & power of the Holy Ghost while acting as Historians or clerks for the church & may we keep a true & faithful record & History of thy church & kingdom & of thy servants and may it be kept in that way & manner that it may be acceptable unto thee O Lord
~ Wilford Woodruff
and unto they servants the Presidency of thy church & we dedicate this House unto the[e] from the Foundation to the top thereof And we pray that the spirit & power of the Devil may never have Dominion over any man or power or place in the mind of any man who labours in this room we pray that thou wilt bless us O Lord with thy holy spirit that we may never profane they name in this house or dishonour the Holy priesthood or bring reproach upon thy cause or grieve thy Holy spirit in any way & we ask the[e] to bless us & to prosper us in all things & we pray that thou wilt bring to our rememberance all things which is necessary to the writing of this history & that papers & documents & all things necessary may be brought to us to enable to compile a right, usful, & proper History. I pray the My Father in Heaven that thou wilt bless these my brethrn that are my companions in this office that our hearts may be united in the bonds of the Holy Priesthood according to the Anointings & Endow- ments givingen unto us that we may be one in spirit, in heart, in faith, works as touching the cause & kingdom in which we are ingaged & we ask the to bless all things that pertain to this office & we pray that when thy servants Brigham, Heber, & Jedediah may come to visit us that they may feel the spirit of God & the spirit of peace resting upon them & that they may feel at home with us while they are beneath this roof and may we understand our duties towards them & in all things. we pray thee to hear us in all things & to accept of this dedication & we pray thee to bless our households our wives & children from this time forth & forever. we pray thee also to bless the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles The Seventies & all the Authorities & Quorums of thy Church. And bless those of thy servants who are among the Nations of the Earth & grant that they may be inspired to send tous an account of there works that we may be enabled to keep a true & faithful record that when we have gone into the world of spirits that the saints of God may be blessed in reading our record which we have kept we ask the O Lord to grant these our request & every other blessing which thou seest we kneed And in the End of our probation may we be saved in thy kingdom & the glory of our salvation we will ascribe to God the Father through Christ our Redeemer even so Amen
~ Wilford Woodruff

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I met the brethren connected with the Historian's Office and told them my feelings was to dedicate the place unto the Lord and so we all knelt down excepting J V Long who was scribe and I offored up the prayer of which the following is a synopsis "O God our Eternal Father we bow before thee this morning beneath this roof for the purpose of dedicating the Historian's Office unto the Lord our God We feel this to be our duty; as we consider this to be a blessing unto us that we have the privilege of being located in these Valleys where we can worship thee and build Temples Tabernacles and cities unto thy Holy name and have none to molest us or make us affraid We rejoice in the power of the Priesthood which thoue hast given unto thy servants through the power of which and the mercy of God we are protected and preserved from the wickedness and abominations of the world We thank thee O Lord that the power of the Priesthood and righteousness governs and controls us and predominates in these Valleys of the Mountains. For these things we fell to offer up our prayers with thanksgiving. And inasmuch as we have the privelege of having an Office built for thy servants to occupy while writing and keeping a history of the Church and kingdom of God upon the earth in these last days we fell it a privelege to bow before thee and dedicate this house unto


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Sep 15, 1856