Day in the Life

Aug 22, 1897

Journal Entry

August 22, 1897 ~ Sunday

AugSunday August 22nd I concluded that myself and family would fast and pray
today in behalf of Alice, as she is so sick, which we did. Alice had several
attacks during the day. About 6 pm, Bro John R. Winder & James Sharp called
whilst they were here, Alice had another attack. I asked them to administer to her.
Bro Winder anointed her & Bro James Sharp was mouth, myself Bro A Smith &
Wm McEwan assisting. Whilst administering Bro Sharp was much affected,
his voice seemed to fail him at times but ^he^ blessed her and promised her a
full restoration to health and strength. We were all peculiarly affected during
the prayer. Then ^we^ went out onto the porch until we were called into the parlor
and Alice related the following manifestation of a heavenly being who
appeared before her and blessed her and made her many precious
promises, so that we all felt to rejoice at the goodness of the Lord.

Statement of Miss ^Mary^ Alice Woodruff made on Sunday evening, .

About seven o'clock this evening, whilst I was lying on my bed, my
father and mother and members of the family were out on the porch, Bro.
Wm. McEwan was sitting near the bed. Bro. Louis Cannon, Edward Jenkins,
Libbie Cutler, Joseph and Blanch Daynes called in to see me, they only
stayed a few minutes, saying they were willing to help me all they
could, but as all arrangements were made for my comfort, they said they
would pray for me. As they left, I felt very sad with a feeling that I
would never see them again, so I commenced to cry bitterly. William
endeavored to comfort me with encouraging words. As he was talking I
beheld a brilliant light, which frightened me. I held on to William
and called "fatherm, father." I then saw a most glorious personage
standing near the foot of the bed, his feet were off the floor. On my
calling for father, Will went out passing by this personage, almost
touching his clothing, and father and the family came in. I motioned
them all to go out but father as I thought he might also see this per-
sonage as I did. I sat up in my bed, quite awake, he stretched out his
arms over my head and said in a distinct but under tone of voice, "The
Lord has sent me to bless you, you shall be healed from this time forth.
The Lord seals his blessings upon you." He then came to the side of the
bed and said I must go to the Temple and there I should receive something
(I have forgotten what it was I should receive) and further said the
prayers of the circles in the heavens have been heard in your behalf,
and the prayers of the circles here upon the earth, also the prayers of
the saints have been heard; that I should stay here and be blessed in my
life; that I should have joy and pleasure in my union, be blessed as a
mother, having posterity. Said you are a daughter of Israel and shall
stand as a representative (f) in your father's kingdom. The Lord will
give you health and strength and bless you so that you may love him and


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1029 mentions
Sharp, James
18 Nov 1843 - 7 May 1904
Cannon, Lewis Mousley
1 Apr 1866 - 7 Jun 1924
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
214 mentions
McEwan, William
16 Nov 1871 - 24 Jan 1945
63 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions


Browse places mentioned in Wilford Woodruff's journal entry on this day. Click on the place names to view other pages where they are mentioned.


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Statement of Miss ^Mary^ Alice Woodruff made on Sunday evening, August 22nd, 1897. About seven o'clock this evening, whilst I was lying on my bed, my father and mother and members of thefamily were out on the porch, Bro. Wm. McEwan was sitting near the bed. Bro. Louis Cannon, Edward Jenkins, Libbie Cutler, Joseph and Blanch Daynes called in to see me, they only stayed a few minutes, saying they were willing to help me all they could, but as all arrangements were made for my comfort, they said they would pray for me. As they left, I felt very sad with a feeling that I would never see them again, so I commenced to cry bitterly. William endeavored to comfort me with encouraging words. As he was talking I beheld a brilliant light, which frightened me. I held on to William and called "father, father." I then saw a most glorious personage standing near the foot of the bed, his feet were off the floor. On my calling for father, Will went out passing by this personage, almost touching his clothing, and father and the family came in. I motioned them all to go out but father as I thought he might also see this per- sonage as I did. Is at up in my bed, quite awake, he stretched out his arms over my head and said in a distinct but under tone of voice, "The Lord has sent me to bless you, you shall be healed from this time forth. The Lord seals his blessings upon you." He then came to the side of the bed and said I must go to the Temple and there I should receive something (I have forgotten what it was I should receive) and further said the prayers of the circles in the heavens have been head in your behalf, and the prayers of the circles here upon the earth, also the prayers of the saints have been heard; that I should stay here and be blessed in my life; that I should have joy and pleasure in my union, be blessed as a mother, having posterity. Said you are a daughter of Israel and shall stand as a representative (f) in your father's kingdom. The Lord will give you health and strength and bless you so that you may love him and
~ Alice Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Aug 22, 1897