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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Nauvoo Restoration, Inc. collection, 1818-2001 |
Collection Description | 1829-1835 |
Collection Number | MS 9622 |
Collection Page | 29-32 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
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I have been much opposed by the priests of the day in this county more however behind my back than to my face save few have opposed me publickly face to face such I have always publicly answered & the Lord in not one instance has suffered me to be confounded
I yet expect if I live to visit my friends in the East & that before long for I can assure them all that I have a great desire to see them And also desire their salvation both temporally & spiritural & that they may be saved in these last Days with the fulness of the Gentiles & the house of Israel that they may esscape the just judgments of God which awate the world
The little stone cut out of the mountain without hands is rolling fourth & will continue to roll untill it Becomes A mountain & fills the whole Earth. The Church is beginning to travel out of the wilderness & the signs follow the believer Even in this South Countrys the sick are healed many of the saints speak in tongues other^s^ interpet which gifts come from God well says one these are strange things as strange as they are ^they are^ the gifts that Christ said should follow the believers
It is true the Latter Day Saints have all manner of Evil spake against them The cry of Jo Smith, Mormonites, fals prophet fals Teachers wolfs in sheeps Clothings & Murrels Clan &c &c but they that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but how can any Tree be judged ownly by its fruit the truth is this generation is nearly ripe & I believe God will soon aris from his Habitation & rebuke the Nations & shake not ownly the Earth but also heaven
The Apostle exhorts us to contend for that faith once delivered to the Saints where is the honest searcher after truth that cannot see what the faith of the Saints was it was by faith that that the worlds waere framed [FIGURE] God spake Chaos heard & worlds came into order by reason of the faith there was in him. So with man also— he spake by faith in the name of God, and the sun stood still the moon ob[e]yed mountains [r]emoved. prisons fell. lions mouths were closed, the human heart lost its enmity fire its violence, armies their power, the sword its terror, and death its dominion, and all this by reason of the faith Which Was in them: Had it not been for the faith which was in man they might have spoken to the sun, the moon, the mountains, prisons, lions, the human heart, fire, armies, the sword, or to death in vain
but at thi day Preach to the world the same that Christ & the Apostles taught & the epithets of this ungodly, crooked, hard hearted, unbelieving, stiff necked, money making generation will be heaped upon his head the words of the Apostle is truly verified at this day when he saw they would not Endure Sound [do]ctrin[e]
I look upon this generation of Gentiles as a Body as standing in the same situation with regard ^to^ the second comeing of Christ as the Jews were at his first & that day of calamity which is at the door will surely overtake them as a thief in the night & their unbeliev^ing^ the word of God will not make the truth of it without affect. The signs are puting fourth of the second advent of Christ the Church is travling out of the wilderness, the standard is erecting to it we some of the Gentiles are seeking the treese are puting fourth leaves the stone rolls the Kingdom grows & will soon fill the earth & God will bring to pass his act his charge act the walls of Zion will be reared in beauty & glory the Lamanites will soon blossom as the rose the whole house of Israel will be gathered the Tabernacle of God will dwell with men
O Beloved Parents for Jesus Christ sake come to the light of his rising & save yourselves from this untoward generation & be prepared to meet the Bridegroom which is at the door for as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be when Christ comes he that readeth let him understand for it is a day of warning & not waywords