4th I wrote 3 letters one to Mrs Woodruff, one to
Col Kane one to Dr J. M. Bernhisel. I took cars rode
to Beverly & spent the night with Br Flagg 30 m[iles]
6th I wrote A letter to Elder Hyde I rode to Hornerstown
I preached at night in a school House. I Blessed one
child & spent the night with Br Curtis 3 m
8th I rode with Israel Ivins 25 miles to Freehold in the
stage 15 Rail Road 20 miles in steem Boat to New York
30 miles I recieved 3 letters from Mrs. W, Col. Kane and Dr Bernhisel. I wrote 2 letters to Col Kane
& Dr Bernhisel spent the night with Br T Cartwright 90 m
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I preached twice at New YorkAdminist
ered to 2 sick, read 2 numbers of the Star I had A
dream concerning Br Delin
~ Monday
10 I wrote A letter to Mrs Woodruff I had an Inter
view with Mr Copway the Ojibwa Indian Chief who
is calling upon this Nation to stay their hand in the
persecution of the Indians And is carriying A peteition
to washington & calling upon the Government to
give the Indians A Territory that they may have
for their own & not be driven any more I had a
plesant time with him
~ Tuesday
11th I took steemer & rode to Haverstraw & preached
at night at Br Druce House & spent [the night] 40 mile
~ Wednesday
12. I took steemer rode to New York then to New
Ark N. J. And spent the night with Brother Provost 50 mi
~ Thursday
13th I rode to west Bloomfield & spent the night atnd
preached & talked untill 2 oclok then went to bed betw
een two men on a cold straw bed 3 Hours & got up at
5 oclok I confirmed one and ordained one Elder 10 m
~ Friday
14th In company with Elder David Turner I took cars
rode to Summerville to Preach. Also to Baptize Mr IsaacMoorehouse But when I arived I found He had
been on A Drunken spree with two Irishmen Patrick Burnes And Another man at Mr Burns House
which finally resulted in the murder of one of the
Irishmen. Burns knocked the other man down &
stamped on his breast untill He killed him under
the following circumstancs Moorehouse gave Burnes
$1 Bill to go & buy some liquor He gave the $1 to the other
Irishman to go on the errand He Pocketed the money &
would not go Burns then Knocked him down stamped on
~ Tuesday
4th [FIGURE] I wrote 3 letters One to Mrs Woodruff, one to
Col Kane one to Dr J. M. Bernhisel. I took cars rode
to Beverly & spent the night with Br Flagg 30 m
6th [FIGURE] I wrote A letter to Elder Hyde I rode to Hornerstown
I preached at night in a school House. I Blessed one
child & spent the night with Br Curtis 3 m
8th I rode with Israel Ivins 25 miles to Freehold in the
stage 15 Rail Road 20 miles in steem Boat to New York
30 miles I recieved 3 letters from Mrs. W, Col. Kane and
FIGURES Dr Bernhisel. I wrote 2 letters to Col Kane
& Dr Bernhisel spent the night with Br T Cartwright 90 m
~ Sunday
9th Sunday I preached twice at New York Administ
ered to 2 sick, read 2 numbers of the Star I had A
dream concerning Br Delin
~ Monday
10 [FIGURE] I wrote A letter to Mrs Woodruff I had an Inter
view with Mr Copway the Ojibwa Indian Chief who
is calling upon this Nation to stay their hand in the
persecution of the Indians And is carrying A petition
to washington & calling upon the Government to
give the Indians A Territory that they may have
for their own & not be driven any more I had a
plesant time with him
~ Tuesday
11th I took steemer & rode to Haverstraw & preached
at night at Br Druce House & spent the night 40 mile
~ Wednesday
12. I took steamer rode to New York then to New
Ark N. J. And spent the night with Brother Provost 50 mi
~ Thursday
13th I rode to west Bloomfield & spent the night and
preached & talked untill 2 oclok then went to bed betw
een two men on a cold straw bed 3 Hours & got up at
5 oclok I confirmed one And Ordained one Elder 10 m
~ Friday
14th In company with Elder David Turner I took cars
rode to summerville to Preach, Also to Baptize Mr
IsaacMoorehouse But when I arived I found He had
been on A Drunken spree with two Irishmen
Patrick Burnes And Another man at Mr Burns House
which finally resulted in the murder of one of the
Irishmen. Burns knocked the other man down &
stamped on his breast untill He killed him under
the following circumstances Moorehouse gave Burnes
$1 Bill to go & buy some liquor He gave the $1 to the other
Irishman to go on the errand He Pocketed the money &
would not go Burns then Knocked him down stamped on
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 4, 1849 - December 14, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wp5z