Thou art one of the Horns of to push the people together
to the Ends of the Earth. [Deuteronomy 33:16-17] No power shall stay thee. At thy word
the winds shall be stayed. Thou shalt walk upon the waters. At
thy command the waters shall be divided. vaults & chains
shall not hold thee for thou shalt rend them in twain. Thou shalt
be deliverd out of the Hands of thy Enemies By the mighty power
of God And by the prayer of faith. Thou shalt have great Blessings
Thou art of the of . If thou wilt claim it by faith
thou mayest Bring all of thy relatives into the Se[e] vol 2nd July 1st 1838 for they are of the Blood of Ephraim
In the name of Jesus Christ I seal this Blessing on thy Head by
the Authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee up unto Eternal life
Even so Amen [FIGURE]
Patriarchal Blessing Nov 10, 1836
At A Blessing meeting held in the in Ohio on
the 10 day of Nov AD 1836 the Patriarch of the Church
of (Jesus Christ) Latter Day Saints confered A Blessing upon the Head
of Phebe W Carter born in Cumberland County State
of Maine the 8th March AD 1807
Sister in the name of Jesus of
and By the power of the Holy priesthood which God hath
confered upon me I upon thy head and place a
seal upon thy forehead and if thou art faithful & keep the commandm[en]ts
of God No power shall take it off it shall be a seal against the . No blessing in heaven shall be two great for thee. Thou hast
thought much on thy Redeemer. Thou must call on God the Father
in the name of his Son And He will open the Heavens & rend the
veil that thou mayest see the son of man stand on the right hand
of power. Thou hast suffered in former days by being deprived
of friends unto whom thous couldest unbosom thy mind thou
hast sorrowed in the night season & in solitary places none know
thy sorrow or saw thy tears but God thy Father. Be comforted for
thy troubles are over and God will pour out his blessings to thee
thou shalt have long life & see good days. Thou shalt be the
Mother of many children they shall be an ornament to the
Church of Christ. Thy Husband shall be a man of wisdom
knowledge & understanding let thy heart be comforted & have faith
in God & his word. Thou shalt labour in the Temple of the Lord
thy God. Thou shalt teach thy companions the ways of righteousness
Thou shalt have many temporal Blessings riches shall flow in
unto thee & thou shalt rejoice rather than complain thou must
put thy whole trust in God for thou art of the Blood of Ephraim. Thou
shalt Have A Celestial crown. Thou shalt have A residence in Zion
& do a great work there. Thou shalt sew the veil of the Temple and
rejoice in the work of thy Hands. If thou wilt keep the commandments
thou shalt have all of thy friends they shall be members of the
covenant I seal all of these blessings on thy Head in the name
Jesus I seal thee up unto Eternal life. Amen & Amen
Thou art one of the Horns of Joseph to push the people together
to the Ends of the Earth. No power shall stay thee. At thy word
the winds shall be stayed. Thou shalt walk upon the waters. At
thy command the waters shall be divided. Prisions vaults & chains
shall not hold thee for thou shalt rend them in twain. Thou shalt
be deliverd out of the hands of thy Enemies by the mighty power
of God and by the prayer of faith. Thou shalt have great blessings
Thou art of the Blood of Ephraim. If thou will claim it by faith
thou mayest bring all of thy relatives into the kingdom of
God See vol 2nd July 1st 1838 for they are of the blood of Ephraim
In the name of Jesus Christ I seal this blessing on thy head by
the Authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal thee upunto Eternal life
Even so Amen [FIGURE]
Patriarchal Blessing Nov 10, 1836
At a blessing meeting held in the Lords in Ohio on
the 10 day of Nov AD 1836 the Patriarch of the Church
of (Jesus Christ) Latter Day Saints confered a blessing upon the head
of Phebe W Carter born in Cumberland County State
of Maine the 8th March AD 1807
Sister in the name of Jesus of
Nazareth and by the power of the Holy priesthood which God hath
confered upon me I lay my hands upon thy head and place a
seal upon thy forehead and if thou art faithful & keep the commandments
of God No power shall take it off it shall be a seal against the destroyer. No blessing in heaven shall be two great for thee. Thou hast
thought much on thy Redeemer. Thou must call on God the Father
in the name of his Son and He will open the Heavens & rend the
veil that thou mayest see the son of man stand on the right hand
of power. Thou hast suffered in former days by being deprived
of friends unto whom thous couldest unbosom thy mind thou
hast sorrowed in the night season & in solitary places none know
thy sorrow or saw thy tears but God thy Father Be comforted for
thy troubles are over and God will pour out his blessings to thee
thou shalt have long life & see good days. Thou shall be the
Mother of many children they shall be an ornament to the
Church of Christ. Thy husband shall be a man of wisdom
knowledge & understanding let thy heart be comforted & have faith
in God & his word. Thou shalt labour in the Temple of the Lord
thy God. Thou shalt teach thy companions the ways of righteousness
Thou shall have many temporal blessings riches shall flow in
unto thee & thou shall rejoice rather than complain thou must
put thy whole trust in God for thou art of the Blood of Ephraim. Thou
shalt have a Celestial Crown. Thou shall have a residence in Zion
& do a great work there. Thou shalt sew the veil of the Temple and
rejoice in the work of thy hands. If thou wilt keep the commandments
thou shalt have all of thy friends they shall be members of the
covenant I seal all of these blessings on thy head in the name
Jesus I seal thee up unto Eternal life Amen & Amen