Saturday morning meeting opened at 10 oclok House filled Prayer By W. Woodruff President Kimball called for
Professor A. Carrington But made the following remark
you have learned enough to know know that the spirit of
God will be grieved at any folly manifest in the House
of God Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heirs
of salvation [Hebrews 1:14] but when you do wrong the Angels of the
Lord will leave And the Angels of the devil will take there
place & keep their company then you are on dangerous
ground & if you will not hear the prophets that God sends
unto you you would not hear the Angels of God Some
have said that I was vary presumptuous to say this
Brothor Brigham was my God & Savoiour Brothe Joseph
was his God the one that gave Joseph the keys of the
kingdom was his God wiwhich was peter Jesus Christ
was his God & the God & Fathe of Jesus Christ was Adam. The Lord wants us to have wisdom to circumscribe
the Earth do you not suppose that God has pleasure in
seeing this people who are the weak things of the Earth to confound
the wise Noble & great some will tell the gentiles all that
transpires among us
A Carrington was then called to the stand who arose & said I rejoice with you my Brethren in the
Blessings you enjoy yes I rejoice with you. Brother Kim-
ball sayes that what I say will be right. All science
that is in the world that is not consistant with reason &
demonstration is false. But all that is truth is good no matter
who has it. with regard to e\Education we are all interested
in it yet we have different views of it. Their is three
things that are hard to speak upon 1st is a dinner
speech 2nd is a Temperance speech 3rd is a speech
on Education I despise that vain phylosophy that
puffeth up. I do not know of any truth that does
not belong to salvation that is of worth evry thing that
is knowledge pertains to salvation we have come unto
the work and have to save ourselves our children & our
progenitors I dont know of any thing that we can do
to lay a foundation for this better than to disipline
the mind & Body & bring them both in subjection to
the mind & will of God the ownly way we can do right
is to keep the commandments of God. One of the commands
of God require us to multiply & replenish the Earth [Genesis 1:28] when a
young man gets married to a good young woman & the
Hunny moon is over and a foundation laid for posterity
then the man begins to scold his wife the wife gets the
same spirit & this goes to the child this is an evil & foll[ows]
the child through life. The Blood nurses the embrio &
as the child grows the evil increases with the child
the Hunny moon should last always & the Husband should
gratify the wife in all things that she righeously wishes as
far as He can & the mother should possess a spirit of contentm[ent]
& peace at least untill the child leaves the Breast then you
~ Saturday
[FIGURE] Saturday morning meeting opened at 10 oclok House filled
[FIGURE] Prayer by W. Woodruff President Kimball called for
Professor A Carrington but made the following remark
you have learned Enough to know that the spirit of
God will be grieved at any folly manifest in the House
of God Angels are ministering spirits to those who are heirs
of salvation but when you do wrong the Angels of the
Lord will leave and the Angels of the devil will take there
place & keep their company then you are on dangerous
ground & if you will not hear the prophets that God sends
unto you you would not hear the Angels of God some
have said that I was vary presumptuous to say this
Brothor Brigham was my God & Saviour Brothe Joseph
was his God the one that gave Joseph the keys of the
kingdom was his God which was Peter Jesus Christ
was his God & the God & Fathe of Jesus Christ was
Adam. The Lord wants us to have wisdom to circumscribe
the Earth do you not suppose that God has pleasure in
seeing this people who are the weak things of the Earth to confound
the wise Noble & great some will tell the gentiles all that
transpires among us
FIGURES A Carrington was then called to the Stand who
arose & said I rejoice with you my Brethren in the
blessings you enjoy yes I rejoice with you. Brother Kimball sayes that what I say will be right. All science
that is in the world that is not consistant with reason &
demonstration is false. But all that is truth is good no matter
who has it. with regard to Education we are all interested
in it yet we have different views of it. Their is three
things that are hard to speak upon 1st is a dinner
speech 2nd is a Temperance speech 3rd is a speech
on Education I despise that vain phylosophy that
puffeth up. I do not know of any truth that does
not belong to salvation that is of worth evry thing that
is knowledge pertains to salvation we have come unto
the work and have to save ourselves our Children & our
progenitors I dont know of any thing that we can do
to lay a foundation for this better than to disipline
the mind & Body & bring them both in subjection to
the mind & will of God the ownly way we can do right
is to keep the commandments of God. One of the commandments
of God require us to multiply & replenish the Earth when a
young man gets married to a good young woman & the
Hunny moon is over and a foundation laid for posterity
then the man begins to scold his wife the wife gets the
same spirit & this goes to the child this is an Evil & follows
the child through life. The Blood nurses the embrio &
as the child grows the Evil increases with the child
the Hunny moon should last always & the Husband should
gratify the wife in all things that she righteously wishes as
far as he can & the mother should possess a spirit of contentment
& peace at least untill the child leaves the Breast then you
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 10, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,