will see a Noble Tabernacle for a Noble spirit to dwell
in the spirits in Eternity have their times & seasons
would not a Noble spirit rather take a Noble Tabernacle
than a poor one when many children are born they
cannot suck the breast because of the corruption of
their parents this is probably the fault of the Doctors
for not teaching the female as they ought to be taught
& when the child is Born the practice has been to give
it a Brandy tody or chamber lie. while the breast is the
place for the child let the child have the milk & let let
such foolery alone dont play with the tabernacles of your
children or treat them foolishly But treat them in
wisdom you dont see any body giving a Brandy Tody or
chamber lye & they do well to follow the course of nature
The gentile Droctors cannot cure deseases they do not know
How I will prove it to you the old school give medicine by the
shovel full. The New school will not give asa pill as large
as the smallest Bird shot. is their any equality in this I say
down with the whole system I have no use for them next
comes the Hdrapath the water cures well even water is
not to be trifled with look at the foolery & the difference
of the doctors it is much better to follow out the natural law
in all things than to trust to them who would ever think of
giving such a dose to a calf as they would give a child
Their is no such children as the Latter day Saints
If we cannot do what we want to our children may
if we cannot get Back to the primeval platform
becaus of the primeval platfor iniquity of our Fathers
still it is our duty to teach them principle & truth when
children begin to talk dont teach them baby talk for
what you learn the chid in that state has to be unl-
earned then be careful what you say or do before
your children for you would be asstonished at the atte-
ntion children pay to what you say. Be sure to take time
to teach your children & not neglect it many other
interesting remarks were made by Brother Carrington on
the occasion
Brother G A. Smith followed with interesting
President B Young next followed & said I want to bear
testimony to what Brother Carrington has said He
has spoken the truth I thank him for what He has
said what He has said is true and if we follow the testi
mony we will return to the power of our first parents
his is the way for the Nations of the Earth to return
to God. The Lamanites will be a white & delightsom
people through this procedure or principle the Nation
of the Earth cannot return to God upon any other
principle this kind of teaching is what pleases me the
Doctors are ignorant & they teach others to be ignorant
we should understand our organization but the people
of this day have lost all good scense they are a set of
will see a Noble Tabernacle for a Noble spirit to dwell
in the spirits in Eternity have their times & seasons
would not a Noble spirit rather take a Noble Tabernacle
than a poor one when many children are born they
cannot suck the breast because of the corruption of
their parents this is probably the fault of the Doctors
for not teaching the female as they ought to be taught
& when the child is born the practice has been to give
it a Brandy tody or Chamber lie while the breast is the
place for the child let the child have the milk & let let
such foolery alone dont play with the tabernacles of your
children or treat them foolishly but treat them in
wisdom you dont see any body giving a Brandy Tody or
chamber lye & they do well to follow the course of nature
The gentile Doctors cannot cure deseases they do not know
how I will prove it to you the old school give medicine by the
shovel full. The New school will not give a pill as large
as the smallest Bird shot. is their any Equality in this I say
down with the whole system I have no use for them next
comes the Hdrapath the water cures well even water is
not to be trifled with look at the foolery & the difference
of the doctors it is much better to follow out the natural law
in all things than to trust to them who would ever think of
giving such a dose to a calf as they would give a child
Their is no such children as the Latter day Saints
If we cannot do what we want to our children may
if we cannot get back to the primeval platform
becaus of the iniquity of our Fathers
still it is our duty to teach them principle & truth when
children begin to talk dont teach them baby talk for
what you learn the child in that state has to be unlearned then be careful what you say or do before
your children for you would be asstonished at the attention children pay to what you say. Be sure to take time
to teach your children & not neglect it many other
interesting remarks were made by Brother Carrington on
the occasion
Brother G A. Smith followed with interesting
President B Young next followed & said I want to bear
testimony to what Brother Carrington has said he
has spoken the truth I thank him for what he has
said what he has said is true and if we follow the testi
mony we will return to the power of our first parents
his is the way for the Nations of the Earth to return
to God. The Lamanites will be a white & delightsom
people through this procedure or principle the Nation
of the Earth cannot return to God upon any other
principle this kind of teaching is what pleases me the
Doctors are ignorant & they teach others to be ignorants
we should understand our organization but the people
of this day have lost all good scense they are a set of
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 10, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ERmW